The window opens with the lock now destroyed and I climb in to see the child bundled up in a corner. The room was almost completely empty. Despite being an urban and American style house, there was only a very thin futon in the middle of the room. There was a wardrobe on one of the walls but there wasn't a door and even in the dark I could tell that there were only a few, if any, items of clothing in there.

I knock gently on the window frame as I kneel down inside the room. The child looks up frightened and tries to back into the wall further. I raise my hands as they open their mouth and I place a finger to my lips.

"Shh, don't yell, I mean no harm." They don't say anything much to my surprise but they don't let their guard down either. As I moved closer to the child I could see some darker patches on their legs and arms, I could only assume that they were bruises. Once I was close enough I bent down to them.

"I know you might not trust me but here." I place a flip phone on the ground and push it towards the child to take, they reaches for it hesitantly before opening it. "I'm from a special job, so if you ever click that orange button there I can stop your parents from hurting you." I point to the said button. These were a way of emergency contacting anybody nearby with a phone like this in the port mafia. The child stares down at it and they look up at me, with my eyes adjusted to the dark it looked like the kid wanted to trust me but couldn't. "I promise nothing bad will happen when you take the phone.

"Is what my mum and dad doing not normal?" The child whispers, they voice horse from lack of use or crying I didn't know. As if they had just stepped on a snakes tail their eyes widen with fear and they starts apologising profusely for asking a question. I stare at this child in shock, not saying anything. Do their parens really not let this kid ask questions?I wait for them to calm down, if I don't interrupt hopefully they won't think I'm mad.

"No, it's not normal for them to do that. And you're allowed to ask questions." With that I stand and the child watches me with shocked eyes. "Remember it's the orange button if you need me." I say before standing and walking to the window.

"Um, Mister!" They say a little louder than before. "Thank you."

I smile softly to try and give the kid some comfort. "no worries Kid." And with that I was out the window, closing it behind me.

I had just taken out a cigarette when it turned over to 2am. Somebody walked up next to me and I didn't need to check to know it was Gin who joined me in front of the house.

"Ah I'm sorry Gin for calling you out so late, I know you have to leave agin tomorrow." She shakes her head dismissively and gestures towards the house. "Hm? Yeah that's the one. We'll-" before I could continue my sentence the phone in Gin's started to vibrate violently. "We go now. Those two are real bastards."


You could hear your Dad's steps getting closer to the edge of the wardrobe as you clutched the phone tightly against your chest. You had clicked the button but the only thing it was glow a gentle orange for a second so you ran for your wardrobe. You knew your mum had gone to bed because after they fight she always goes to bed while Dad goes and drinks. He always came into your room drunk. You thought it was normal to be scared of your Dad until the strange old man came through your window earlier.

So instead of hiding under the covers and hoping that your dad would go easier on you like you usually would, you pressed the orange button on the phone and hid in the wardrobe. You knew it wouldn't take him long to find you, this was the only hiding spot which is why he would be able to find you so easily. To others it would look like a pile of clothes and a blanket was shoved in the corner, but he knows that you don't have that many clothes and only one blanket.

"Where are you brat..." The blanket covering you began to shift as you thought he grabbed the top of it. "Found yo-" he was cut off by a gurgling noise followed by a large thud of something hitting the ground.

"Kid?" You recognised the voice. Was it the old man from earlier? You hesitantly poke your head out from your not-so-safe safe place and flinch back under the blanket almost immediately after seeing a person you didn't recognise blocking the view of the room behind them. "Do you want to come with us?"

At his voice you moved so just your eyes were visible in the blanket. The person with the spiky black ponytail and white mask moves slightly so you could see the old man and part of the room. They both had an emotion behind their eyes that you didn't recognise. It was an emotion never offered to you before.

"B-but Dad and Mum won't let me..." You say quietly and stare at the black haired person's arms as if they want you to run into them. The old man coughs and lets out a sad sigh.

"You don't have to worry about them hurting you anymore. We can look after you now. When you're ready just nod and Gin will pick you up." The two of them wait patiently for your decision. You hesitantly nod slowly and try not to flinch as the black haired one picks up your small form still wrapped in the blanket. "I'm Hirotsu by the way, kid. And the person carrying you is Gin. Do you have a name we can call you?"

You say their names in your mind over and over again, you can't forget their names... when you hear silence you shiver slightly expecting a slap followed by a "answer me immediately" but it never came. Oh right, your name. "They called me Brat..."

The two strange savours make eye contact and frown at each other. "Was there anything else they called you?" You think for a solid minute before shaking your head.

"They did introduce me as something like "The Kid" to guests so they would normally call me "Kid"." The old man sighs and pats the blanket on top of your head. The gesture made you feel warm despite you flinching when he originally started to do it.

"We'll come up with a better name, Brat isn't a real name." Your eyes widened, they had always called you that... But the old man was offering you something new. You blink, oh no you forgot his name Mum will get mad, as you try to hide yourself further into Gin's arms trying not to cry or make any noise. You didn't forget their name because it's only three letters. Gin notices your small trembles and gently strokes your hair.

"It's okay, you can cry and go to sleep now. We can talk more in the morning." The feminine voice surprises you and you sniff as they talk a little more in hushed tones, making you sleepy. You slowly give in to the darkness in your blanket burrito.

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