Chapter 1: Save Avoca

1.5K 19 5

New Saiyan planet: Planet Bana

King of the planet: KING Bana (KB)


(Base) Evil form: 2x

(ssj) 50x

(ssj) Evil form: 50x 2x = 100x

(ssj2) 100x

(ssj2) Evil form: 200x 2x = 400x

(ssj3) 300x

(ssj3) Evil form: 300x 2x = 600x

There was another planet inhabited by saiyans called planet Bana. This planet was the home of a unique Saiyan species, it was created very specifically by the old supreme kais, They wanted these Saiyans to thrive unlike the other ones who were left to do their own thing, the kais wanted more order in the universe, so they gave these Saiyan more power, the Saiyan received a different type of ki, it was pure and very powerful, all of the Saiyan used it for good which was the point of why they revived it from the kais, to exterminate evil and help the good. However one Saiyan named Avoca refused to use his abilities for the good, he believed that they were the strongest, that they could do anything and get away with it, most of the Saiyan disagreed but some followed him and began to understand why he believed what he believed, Avoca was a very tall Saiyan standing at a staggering 8 feet 7 inches, most of the other saiyans were around that height too. Avoca and the Saiyans that followed him would go to planets far from planet Bana and they would kill everyone on it, and then they would spar until they were practically dead, their ships contained healing capsules so they would heal and grow even stronger, after months and months of doing this Avoca and the other saiyans began to try to use the power that was gifted to them by the kais, they were trying to manipulate it because they could only use it if they have a pur heart, they found out that the power would change depending on the possessor thoughts, when they got angry, that power would begin to spike and increase, most of these saiyans didn't have the ability to transform into super Saiyan one only a little amount of saiyans could transform into super Saiyan. Avoca's power was beginning to change, his aura was too, he became more cruel while killing, he also began to torture, after years passed his aura changed from a white color to a dark red one, he only wanted death and destruction, however the king at the time which was named after his father (Bana), he didn't really notice, he didn't give it any attention, he was more focused on finding his daughter a worthy mate

Avoca and a couple other saiyans arrived on the planet and were greeted, they didn't pay any attention to it though, they just came for supplies, they then decided to take a break, everyone went on to check on their families, but Avoca went to a forest far away from the rest, he sat down on top of a rock and meditated, he learned that it would help him control his powers, Avoca sat there quiet and then he heared a twig break, he turned and face it, he saw a female Saiyan there just staring at him, she looked nervous, he decided to just go back to meditating, after a while the female decided to check him out, she began to fly around Avoca, Avoca knew this was happening but he continued doing his thing

Female: are you from here?


Female: where are you from?

Avoca: ....

Female: what's your name?

Avoca: ......Avoca

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