Chapter 1: Holy Shit

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Oh, and warning. Theres a fair bit of profanity.
Also, artist of basically all my photos used unknown
Sorry ;-;
Here goes nothing *cracks knuckles*

Everyone in the story is about 15-18 depending.
Thus begins the story

"Hello everyone watching channel 413 today, we're here to bring you some breaking news. Dr. Scratch's research on those new decomposed human bodies has lead him to reanimate them! Let's take a closer look."
The reporter moved into a sterile white room, filled with the corpses.
Jade was sitting on her couch, occasionally taking bites of an apple.
'Weird' she thought, taking another bite. She watched as the reporter observed the twitching human body, and then as the reporter got bold enough to get closer. Apparently, Dr. Scratch was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, the reporter screamed. As a matter of fact, so did Jade. The body jerked straight up and took a big chomp into the reporter's neck.
"OH MY GO-" Jade bit her lip, hard. The reporter had histronics, flailing wildly. "What is the camera man doing!?" Jade yelled, jumping off of the couch and getting closer to the tv. She watched as the reporter turned faintly green, not unlike the undead body (which was back to twitching) and crumpled to the ground.
"What the..." Jade banged the screen. Then the original body leaped at the cameraman, like a jumpscare from Five Nights At Freddy's. Jade screamed, as did the cameraman. The camera lay on the ground, half unfocused. The watchers of the channel could hear gristly chewing and crunching noises.
Jade fought the urge to throw up and watched the screen, unable to rip her eyes away from the scene. A pool of blood spread across the floor. Jade hugged her dog, Bec to her tightly. Then the screen reverted back to the newsroom, where an attractive young reporter said,
"Hello everyone of [insert generic town name], we are currently having technical difficulties. Oh, and anyone that lives near St. Sufferer's Hospital for Research and Dissection should most likely evacuate. No need to worry folks."
"AAAAAAAAARGH!" Jade screamed, a long pointless cry that contained pent up worry, anger, and stress. Then she calmed down and made her way to her room. She knew something like this would happen. She bit her lip again as bile threatened to rise in her throat. She had a hiker's backpack filled with all your generic needs on the zombie apocalypse. Including a wicked rifle from her Pop. She hefted it and wondered vaguely where he might be, but concluded he was probably locked up in his laboratory. He'd be safer in there. (Dont even ask why I put her dad in the laboratory i d k )
She messaged her friend John on Pesterchum as she left her house, bringing a spare rifle and some ammo. She did that whenever she left the house anyway. She also brought her dog Bec, because really who doesn't need an amazing dog.

-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 04:10 PM --

GG: John, have you seen the news?

EB: Yes, the nyanning cat is cute :B

GG: No John! The one about the zombies!

EB: oh, that? Don't worry, It'll be fine.

GG: John, I'm a 3 minute walk away from there! Aren't you even worried?

EB: they said it was nothing, but you want to come hang with me and the trolls, plus Dave and Rose? We're having a kind of meetup :B

GG: okay, see you there

-- gardenGnostic [GG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 04:13 --
Jade sighed, banging her head on the wall. Why didn't anyone take her seriously!? She jogged out the door, pulling Bec along with her. She hopped into the car, hoping the cops would be preoccupied with the weird undead people epidemic. She drove to John's house, Bec hanging his head out the window the whole way there. They didn't see anyone on the roads, which was pretty strange considering the whole warning about undead thing. But she shrugged mentally and drove, bending the speed limit. Hey, +15 mph rule, right? Or +20. She reached John's house in record time, pulling into the driveway haphazardly. She left most of her supplies in her car, but brought along the rifle. Rose always had her knitting needles, and Dave his weird sword obsession. Plus, Egbert always had his hammers kinda lying around. And Terezi with her stabby staff thing..... You get the idea. Jade's friend group was.... Unique. But she liked it that way.
She stepped up to the door and just walked in, banging on the side of the door as she went.
"Hi everyone!" She said cheerily, walking in.
"Hey Harley," "Nice to sea you Jade!" "Hello Jade." "SUP JADE." "Hiya Jade!" (And so on)
Everyone rolled their eyes when they saw her carrying the gun. Its not like she could use it... Right!!!?!!!?????!!?!?!??!?!! It couldn't POSSIBLY be that their SWEETEST friend could even SHOOT a target. (Extreme sarcasm from the author here.)
"Go sit next to Karkat." Dave suggested. Jade shrugged but walked over to Karkat, who muttered something unpleasant under his breath and moved over. He didn't move much, and their legs touched. He seemed to be agitated about this, face reddening slightly and turned away. Jade shrugged and leaned into the couch, letting the flow of her friends conversations flow over her. Suddenly, she heard a crash at the back of the house.
It went silent.
"Who wants to go see whats there?" Dave asked, getting up.
"I'll go with you." Jade volunteered, surprising herself.
"ME TOO IDIOTS." Karkat fumed, getting up.
The three of them trooped to the kitchen, where Jade snagged a cookie (hey, free food!) and then stopped dead.
"Dave, don't open that door." She said, voice serious.
"Chill Harley." And of course, Dave opened the fucking door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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