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"What do you mean? Surely you're just imagining shit

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"What do you mean? Surely you're just imagining shit." Kazutora had to play at least a little surprised, even though he had obviously known about the incidents. Still, he felt anger building up against his best friend. How did he dare to accuse her of such crimes? He didn't care that what his friend said was true, he minded the audacity. "Tora, please," Baji pleaded as he again looked around the room in a haste, "I'm not just seeing things! Everywhere I go she's behind me, looking at me from afar!"

The black-haired guy wrapped his arms around his best friend and pressed his face against the other's chest. "I don't know why it's stressing me out so much. Usually, I would just beat the shit out of anybody who would annoy or threaten me but," he hesitated, thought about how to phrase his feelings as Kazutora, after hesitating himself, slowly patted his friend's head to comfort him. "She's like a shadow, I don't even know for sure if it's her that's doing this creepy shit, but someone's after me for sure."

Tora had never seen his friend that stressed out before. He usually solved all his problems by fighting and the fact that he wasn't doing it now emphasized how bad his problem really was, how serious it was. Kazutora didn't think that (Y/N) would have the willpower to kill a human, his precious angle would never harm anybody to the point of death which is why he brushed off his friend's problems and told him he was overreacting.
"Seriously, Keisuke. I know her and she would never do such creepy things, not to you or anybody else. I don't know why you should but I think you're really exaggerating," he lied straight to his best friend's face.

Baji looked at him in shock, he couldn't believe that he would hit such a wall when asking Tora for advice. He expected that his best friend of all people would care and understand. After all, they have supported each other in every situation they've been into; that's what they promised each other 7 years ago.
"Tora," his voice sounded dry, "please. You can't seriously..."

Somewhere deep in his heart, Kazutora felt bad for treating his friend like that. But as soon as the thoughts came up he could only see (Y/N) and he remembered that he did it for her. For his girlfriend, his wife. For his relationship.

He moaned annoyed and rolled his eyes. A cold shower ran down his friend's back when he saw the look in his eyes.
It was only then that he realized that Tora wasn't the same anymore. Something changed and it reminded him of their past together. How his friend acted back then when he met him for the first time. Aside from the psychotic expression, he could see the hurt soul of a small kid traumatized from a young age.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫//𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 • [ᴋᴀᴢᴜᴛᴏʀᴀ ʜ.]Where stories live. Discover now