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"who the hell are you?!" white suit shouted as other dude stood infront of him with a gun in his hand glaring at me

oh how i'm so frightened to my core

"i thought you would've noticed by now" i smirked through my mask "do you know who i am!" i rolled my eyes at his yelling "nope and i don't want to know ,  bye bye now" before he could reply i shot him right in between his eyes,  bullseye!

other dude stared shooting , i dogded the bullets grabbing his wrist that held the gun "i would put the gun down if i were you" his eyes widened in fear

"p-please i have a family" i stared at him for a few seconds before sighing "fine" he released a shaky breathe as i let his wrist go . he took that chance and ran , i checked my watch tapping my gun against my thigh

"3 , 2 , 1" pointing the gun in his direction i pulled the trigger without even glancing up , hearing a thud i chuckled "good aim bell" luna spoke through the earpiece "yeah yeah let's go" i walked out the exit and saw all the men laying on the ground drowned in blood

"call leonardo and tell him to clean up here , i have to call my father" i put my gun away taking off my gloves and mask throwing it by the pile of dead bodies as i walked to the car, taking out my phone i dialed his number

"what is it?" i rolled my eyes at his rude tone "hello to you too father , i have news.. when are coming back?" he sighed deeply grumbling something in italian, okay i can see why luna says i'm like the other girl version of him "in two days" i hummed seeing luna walking to the car

"see you in two days" he hung up without even saying goodbye , wow rude much

"i'm hungry as fuck" luna groaned leaning back in her seat rubbing her belly "and how is that my problem?" i started the car driving off "uhm... miss trillionaire , i'm sure mcdonald's don't cost more than €20 " i rolled my eyes

"aren't you a billionaire? why the fuck are you asking me money?" she shrugged as a small pout made its way on her lips "cause i don't have cash on me and where the fuck should i keep my card?"

oh how i wish to just hit her with a metal bat so her braincells could finally work "you're a big pain in the ass" i turned the corner pulling into mcdonald's , she grinned like a small child in a toy store

"i love you too bell" she got out the car basically skipping towards the doors , what the fuck? i don't want to eat inside its weird ,  i don't like people watching me eat

groaning loudly i got out shutting the door walking in seeing the dumbass was next to order "i could order the whole menu...i can't choose what i want" she stared at the menu , i gave her a look "excuse me are you the one paying?" she rolled her eyes waving me off "as if that would put a dent in your money , shush"

"next please" before i could answer she walked to the till ordering her food , i always wonder how her and i became best friends... she's literally the definition of a child trapped in an adult body

maybe i should sell her for €5...or maybe get someone to kidnap her and send her to ger-

"and you ma'am?" i snapped out of my thoughts looking at the worker  "i'll have the same" i gave her my card "you owe me" she just grinned , taking my card back we looked for a place to sit "i like when we do this" she grinned sitting down

"do what?"

"oh you know... murder a bunch of people than come to mcdonald's , the usual" she shrugged

a small gasp was heard and we turned to see a kid standing shocked "oh signore, salvami adesso" i groaned rubbing my temples "tell you what kid... i'll give you €10 and you never heard that in your life" the boy thought for a second before nodding

"kake it 20 and i'll pretend i never saw you guys"

"deal" they shook hands as luna stuck her hand out to me , i looked at her with my brows knitted together in confusion "what?" she rolled her eyes

"the 20" i scoffed shaking my head "i'm not your personal bank" the kid turned to me "that's fine... i can always tell me mom i met mass murders and they did infact admit to killing people tonight" i glared at the little shit as luna hummed in agreement

sighing i took out a 20 handing it to him "smartass" i grumbled rolling my eyes,  the kid grinned "pleasure doing business with you strangers" he saluted walking off

"great kid ,  really smart too" i kicked her shin under the table "ow what the fuck was that for?!" i rolled my eyes standing up as our order was called "one day i will shove you in a container and ship you off somewhere" i muttered walking to get our food

-oh lord save me now

𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora