Idea 2

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Spoiler ahead!!!

Okay, so I got this idea in my head, it's getting a  bit close to the end of the book, so I got another idea. Not sure if anybody recall, but at the end in the original book, Squall's appears and control people and stuff like that happens. So I'm thinking, that part still happens, but instead, Squall notice Morrigan's fishy behavior and everything and confronts her. Then after he let go of the control of everybody or something, but like I'm thinking at that part, he exposes Morrigan being his student. But I'm not sure how book 2 would follow that though...Maybe he only exposes to Jupiter and some important characters? What do you guys think?

Also, this reminds me, I have searched for a while and there is no online version of Wundersmith for me to copy and paste, so if I still don't find like a PDF version of Wundersmith, I might not do the second book because, I am not typing while looking at the book copy. That will take too much time, and I don't want to do that. So if any one of you, finds an online version of Wundersmith, please send the link or tell me.

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