Special Chapter ~ The Elder's private dinner (Short) Part 1 and 2

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Fen and Morrigan quickly went back to Jupiter as he saw Morrigan holding golden envelope, his face went from surprise to confuse to glaring at a certain Magnificat.

"Fen! I thought I said to not go for the golden target! What were you think-"

Morrigan quickly cut off Jupiter's rant, "No, no Jupiter...I wanted to go for the golden target, Fen just respected my decision."

Both Jupiter and Fen looked surprise as Fen was already ready to listen to Jupiter's rant. Jupiter frowned, knowing that wasn't true, but before he was going to say anything, he spotted Inspector Flintlock in the corner of his eyes.

"You got lucky here Miss Crow, but I'll let you know that I have eyes are everywhere. I'll be watching you—both of you. Very closely."

Morrigan groaned as she was dragged out of her warm, cozy bed by Dame Chanda, who was fuzzing over on what Morrigan should wear to the Elder's dinner.

"First impressions are really important, my dear," Dame Chanda ranted, "You want to impress them."

"Oh, I'm so excited for you!"

"Thanks, I'm so excited as well..." Morrigan yawned, barely opening her eyes.

The Elder's secret dinner was held at 8:00pm, but Dame Chanda insisted to get up early in the morning since picking a dress as well as hairstyle would take a lot of time. Morrigan tried to complain but all she got was endless rant so she decided to keep her mouth shut and let Dame Chanda do her magic.

Well, Chanda was right about how much time she would need to pick a dress and do the hair. She was deciding for hours whether Morrigan should wear the white dress with the purple ribbon on it or with a golden ribbon on it. For Morrigan, she doubt the Elders would even notice. Don't even get her started on the hair as it had to be 'elegant, but not too fancy; simple, but not plain'. Morrigan suggested with just a simple pony tail but as if Dame Chanda read her mind, she glared at Morrigan as she swallowed her suggestion back.

Morrigan and Dame Chanda spent the whole morning and afternoon in her closet, even when it was breakfast or lunch, Martha had to bring it to their room. By 6:30pm, they still haven't came out of the room. Jupiter was pacing outside, he doesn't understand why they are taking so long.

"Mog, Dame Chanda! You have been in there since 6:00am in the morning! You should be ready by now!"

Silence. Jupiter frowned as he got worried. Jack was also behind him rolling his eyes while muttering under his breath, something about girls.

Just as he was about to knock again, the door open revealing Dame Chanda and Morrigan behind her.

"Finally, what-"

Jupiter froze as he saw Morrigan, surprise then confusion. Behind him, Jack looked while his mouth dropped open, a suspicious blush on his face. They spluttered for words while Dame Chanda smiled proudly.

Behind Dame Chanda, stood Morrigan. Morrigan's midnight-black hair was platted into a high pony tail, flowing over her shoulder, with a sparkling, golden ribbon. One stare into her eyes, and you could see the galaxy in them. Her lips was blossom pink, wearing a confident smile on her face. The dress she wore, like Dame Chanda said, was simple but also stylish; the dress was milky white as it visually looked as if it was 'flowing'. A golden ribbon was tied around Morrigan's waist, matching the ribbon in her hair as well as the golden glittery shoes.

"...Well these 12 hours was definitely worth it.." Jack mumbled but everybody heard that.

Morrigan fidget a little in her dress, as she definitely wasn't use to something this formal.

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