Chapter 2: The Bride of The Demon Lord (2).

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"No... they just said mean things. I'm smart! I hurt them first before they can ever hurt me hehe!" (Emily) said giggling, remembering the deserved consequences for being mean to her!

"While I'm utterly proud of you for standing up to yourself- no more bites okay? The other parents are... worried and we don't want us getting kicked out of daycare right?" she explains to the little girl with a frown. She's really worried about her future- Emily's education is really important.

Hers as well... she's already at her first semester in college taking afternoon classes while she works early in the morning.

Emily looked at her sister's tired face not understanding anything but...

"Okie... no more bites." (Emily) reassures her big sister who nods looking really sad while she smiles. Emily's thoughts ran wild, so... if it's not okay to bite- surely it's okay to just choose another violent way to deal with them.

"Come on Em... let's get going." They held hands together while walking to the daycare center that was only a few blocks away.

It was early in the morning the moment they arrived there were already several kids running around a small playground outside. "I'll pick you up at six okay? Behave and listen to your teachers... and don't forget your lunch box- seal it. Water- right where's your water-" she turns to look at her sister already waving her pink water bottle behind her.

"Got it- go work now... shoo I wanna play on the swings! Bye bye!" (Emily) gives her big sister a hug, due to her small stature she could only hug the other girl's legs before running off inside the daycare laughing with glee.

For someone who just got off from a fight, she was happy to go back.

Emily's big sister waved and muttered bye quietly on her own before turning to the other direction to walk to her part-time job. It was a small pet shop with a cute uniform to have, it was particularly hot today so she was thankful that the shop a nice cooling AC.

She takes the shop key and raises the metal sheet covering the doors. She turns to see her other shop neighbors already awake and setting up their things. "Okay... humph!" Once she gets inside, she tries to carry a box full of food for dogs and sets it inside.

The shop owner was living just upstairs and was awoken by the sound of his only staff already making a ruckus down below. He swears that the kid is too much of a hard-worker- it's barely even eight in the morning and here she is already opening up the shop.

The other pets were already awake. They were either barking, squeaking, meowing or tweeting. She also filled their bowl with food and water. "Here you go." the way she handled animals was really gentle.

Everyone felt so calm with her presence, no one even tried biting or scratching her hand whenever she walked close to them. It was like animals understood her, and she did the same.

The owner of the shop yawned and smiled looking at his best choice to have ever done. Recruiting a very hardworking kid was very rare these days. "Isabella! You're too early!" he yells at the girl in a cheery manner.

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