chapter 1 - sunrise

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TW: mention of wound, mention of death

and yes the cover is something i whipped up in an AI app shush


Y/n woke up to the usual screeching of overhead crows. The sun had just barely risen, the remains of last night's campfire still smouldering. She shook the blurriness out of her eyes and got up, shrugging her satchel over her shoulder and stamping out the last few embers. She pulled her mask and goggles over her face as she stepped out into the ridiculously dusty streets.

 She pulled her mask and goggles over her face as she stepped out into the ridiculously dusty streets

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(this is your outfit, if you don't like it just imagine something else)

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(this is your outfit, if you don't like it just imagine something else)

She walked out from under the rusty sheet of metal propped against the crumbling building to face the day, stretching as she did so.

Ah, shit- Y/n lowered her arms again just as quickly. Peering at the back of her left arm, she saw where the loosely tied bandage that was covering the deep cut from yesterday's scuffle with an enderman had began to unroll and fall off. The skin was bright red, but at least the blood had finally clotted over. She rummaged around in her satchel for a replacement.

Double shit... that was the last one...

She set off, taking it easy, looking out for any un-searched buildings that might contain supplies.

She strolled through the now somewhat familiar, yet haunting ghost town, always on the look out for signs that there may be life still out there.

~ flashback ~

Chaos was everywhere, the screams of wounded citizens mingling with the noises of exploding TNT.

A small 11-year-old girl was cowering in the corner, tears streaming down her face, watching it all unfold. Her family was gone, she was sure of it. They would've come to rescue her by now, otherwise, right?

She barely saw the figure rush up to her hiding spot. She barely heard them as they shouted over the noise to follow them.

The girl ran through the chaos with the man, clutching his hand tight, clambering over fallen rubble and the occasional fallen soldier. She glanced up at where the centre of the doomsday was unfolding. The huge flag which she remembered dancing around in her childhood was no longer billowing joyfully in the wind. Instead, it waved around wildly, engulfed in flames. At the foot of the flag pole, several people were lighting more TNT, summoning withers, dueling with others-

All this was whisked out of her sight as the man led them into the forest. He took her into the deepest part of the forest before hiding her behind a sturdy tree. He crouched down at eye level.

"Stay here until I come and get you."

before running off to rejoin the chaos.


It had been five years since that happened.

A lot had happened since then, but the memory of that day wass slowly fading. Y/n could barely remember her parents. She couldn't even remember the face of the man who saved her. Ever since the town got evacuated a year later, she decided to remain behind, hoping that she could find answers. The last time she saw anyone from her hometown was four years ago. She'd assumed they'd all died of starvation or something out in the desert

Yet here she was, after all this time, despite everything she'd gone through, still holding on to the hope that there were still people out there.


523 words

welp thats chapter one finished, hope you enjoyed!

don't forget to take care of yourself, drink water and get some sleep <3

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