in this world

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Jade's phone rang, It was Andre, she answered the call," Hey y'all two guys still awake? we've been knocking for  5 minutes" hearing that made jade relief" that's you?! I shouted Cat's name why didn't she answer me? she gestures her hand at Beck as a sign to open the door, as he opened the door the five was standing in front of the door.

Tr: took you long enough. ( all stepped inside the vehicle)

Jade ended the call since they were already with them.

J: Cat, didn't you hear me calling your name?

C: No I was telling Robbie a funny Joke when we were waiting for you to open the door right Robbie? ( as she turned around Robbie nodded then when she look back at Jade, Robbie mouthed " It's not that funny" then smiled sweetly at Cat when she looks back at him) 

A: Why won't you guys just open the door when you heard us knock?

Beck and Jade look at each other than at their friends.

B: Cuz Jade receive a picture and a message earlier (they showed them) and we're certain it's from Adam.  

R: wait when was this picture taken?

J: half an hour ago, I was texting Cat and then I heard a knock on the door, I thought that you guys were fast to come here But when I went outside there was nobody out there, so I look around cuz maybe there were kids playing a prank on the neighborhood but it was already late, that's when I receive the photo and message.

T: That means he could still be out there.

J: Great work detective, you found the obvious clues (she said sarcastically making Tori roll her eyes at her) 

Tr: so call the police and tell them he's here.

B: that's what we were about to do.

J: But we heard you knock and we thought it was him.

C: So that's why you didn't open the door, cuz you were scared?

J: No Cat, I wasn't scared, the guy just watches me while I'm asleep and tried to end my life so yeah why would I be scared.

A: alright chill out no need to be rude, Tori your dad is a cop right? Can you call him and inform him about Adam (she nodded and called her dad) Beck all the windows are bulletproof right?

B: Yeah the windows are tight shut so it's impossible to open or break them.

R: so we're just going to wait here for the police to come?

Rex: aw man I hope you got the AC working I wouldn't want to be stuck here inside this toaster oven.

J: relax Pinocchio the AC's working plus its already night so it wouldn't be that hot like the last time we got stuck here.

C: wait did you just say the last time we got stuck here?

They all turned their attention to Jade and Cat.

J: uh...

C: you remembered being stuck here with them? ( A smile can be seen on Cat's face)

Jade looked at Beck as if she was asking what to do, Beck just nodded giving her a sign to tell them she got her memories back.

J: Yes, I remember being stuck here.( Cat gasps as she puts both hand on her mouth)

C: you got your memories back! ( Jade looks at her friends with a small smile)

J: Yes, Cat ,I got my memories back ( Cat squealed at her and hugs her tightly making all of them hug her) okay enough get off of me.

A: we're happy you got your memories back Jade.

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