Solos and duets

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Hailey and Tera started to go up the stage and sang their song "Jokes on you" as they sang through every lyric, Adam just smiled at them looking unimpressed.

Once the two girls were done Adam was next to sing, he was a bit nervous but he just looks at Jade say his song to the DJ.
"Shut up by Grayson chance"

(Cat pulled out her phone and started A live on the slap)

(As he sang all the lyrics he looked straight at Jade)

( He made sure Jade knows that he was singing for her)

Jade didn't really focus on the lyrics much but when Adam came near to her face while singing the lyrics

"your confidence is what I want
I say a lot, I'm loud 'cause maybe you're the one,
( Jade froze by his sudden act, she couldn't move when he moved his face closer to her)
Your hair, your eyes, your lips, and your name, hmm, baby"

Adam's goofy smile reappeared as he went back to the stage.

Andre and Robbie both looked at each other, they know what Adam was doing and they were a bit skeptical about his move on Jade but they just let him, after all, they knew Jade doesn't have any interest in him.

Jade shakes her head and blinks a couple of times before giving Adam a glare.

Cat was still oblivious to what Adam was doing, she cheered with the crowd as Adam continued but when Adam sang the words,

"You dress in all black, the middle of the summer
You're smoother than you think
You rock that Alex Turner
Your style, your arms, wrapped in leather
Makes me want you forever"

Cat immediately turned to her best friend and squealed.

C: OH MY GOD! Jadey, Adam's dedicating his song to you. ( She says while continuing to record everything with her phone)

J: Gee Cat how can you tell?.
( She crossed her arms while using a fake curious tone)

C: By the way, he looks at you silly... And look how  he smiles at you Jade, he's in love with you (she says in a singing voice)

Jade rolled her eyes and let out a frustrated breath before facepalming herself.

"How stupid could she be urgh," she thinks to herself.

J: really? I haven't noticed. ( She replied with a sarcastic tone.

Cat just giggled at her.

Once Adam was done Jade quickly came over to him and pulled him to the corner of the room.

J: why did you do that!

Ad: did what? ( He says innocently)

J: That! ( She implies all that he did while singing) why on earth did you place your face near to my face?!?

Ad: Oh that,( he sided his lips and shrugs his shoulder)no reason, I just want to do it.

J: Are you kidding me?!?

Ad: what? don't tell me you didn't enjoy it, I mean everyone did, just look( he refers to the audience cheering)

J: oh yeah well not everyone knows that we're not in a relationship!

Ad: well whose fault is that?

J: I'm sorry what?  WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?...

Ad: I was just kidding Jade.

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