It came back

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The next morning, Jade woke up feeling really tired, she really didn't sleep well, she looked at the clock and saw the time 5:20 but still continue to get ready as she was done she went down and saw Andre in the kitchen making something for them to eat, " hey, you're up early and you're already dressed for your school" Jade just responded with a sarcastic tone" I see someone uses their eyes in the morning "  she goes to the fridge and took a water jug and sat in front of the kitchen counter pick up a glass cup and poured herself a glass of water and took her pills out of her bag and was about to drink it but Andre stop her "Hey! not before breakfast".she just shrug him off and says " Dude it's fine I do it every morning, besides I already need to go"  Andre snatch her pills away which Jade quickly objected " wha - hey!" Andre stayed his ground " nope, not today Jade, you're joining me for breakfast, "Jade retort with " Dude give it back! I need my pills" Andre Just place a plate filled with bacon and waffles in front of her and says" you can have you med after you finish your food" Jade tried to argue but didn't win, she grab a fork and ate with him. 

after she was done she quickly demanded her pills back, once she had drunk her meds she ask Andre " what time are you going to School?" Andre looked at his phone and saw 6:30 and answered" not for more than 40 minutes, why?" Jade smiled and says" good your taking me to school" Andre furrowed his eyes and pouted his lips, as he was about to question her, she says her reason instantly " Cuz I don't want Adam to pick me up, I'm trying to lessen the time we spend together, remember?, so how am I going to do that if he's the one who always drove me to school" Andre nodded but questioned her again" But why won't you just drive yourself?"  Jade looked at her mother's car keys and blinked non-stop as she remembers her nightmares before answering Andre" Because... tsk Just forget about it I'll just get a cab" she walk to the door and shouted to him "remember to fix the door lock before you leave!" Andre didn't get a chance to say goodbye as he heard the door slam.


During their launch Cat, Andre and Robbie sat down at their usual spot, As they eat Andre got an  Idea for them to do.

A: Hey guys what cha doing tonight?

C: My parents are taking my brother to his " special treatment" so I guess nothing.

R: Me and rex are planning to check the new exhibit in the museum.

Rex: Noooooo! I told you man I got a date with some northbridge gurls.

R: But you said you'll come with me to see the new dinosaur bones!

Rex: Yeah! that's why I made some plans with the northbridge girls, so I don't have to come with you EHH.

R: Rex!.... well I guess I don't have plans anymore!

A: Good cuz we're going to have some sleepover.

C: YEY! I love sleepovers!

R: Why do you want us to sleep at your grama's house?

A: I don't I want us to sleep at Jade's.

C: Goody! Jadey and I can hang out all night.

R: Wait why would Jade agree to this? does she even know?

A: Nope But I can guarantee you she'll be fine with it.

R: How can you say?

A: Cuz Last night there was someone stalking her and she was so freak that I had to sleep on her couch last night just so she could sleep. 

C: wait! someone came inside her house while she was all alone?

R: And she got scared about it?!

A: Yup, I found her in her bathroom having a panic attack! 

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