Saved by Severus ~ Chapter 2

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Saved by Severus

Chapter 2


When I first saw the lump in the middle of the road, I figured it was just a garbage bag or something, because it just looked like a large black mound. As I got closer though, I realized that it was a child, draped in a black shirt way to big for her and not moving at all. I ran the last few steps towards her and kneeled down. Even I am not cruel enough to leave a starving child in the middle of the road, waiting to be run over. I put a hand on the child's shoulder and her eyes flew open in terror. She tried to move away but hissed in pain, she kept trying to pull herself away from me though, so I removed my hand from her shoulder and just stared at her coldly, taking on my usual cruel manner and trying not to care about this bag of skin and bones I'd just terrified.

"What, on earth are you doing out here, you silly child." The girl flinched away, and I was surprised when I felt a twinge of regret. I was scaring her and I didn't like it.

Sighing, I figured that I could possibly let my cruel pretense slip for a minute or to. Nobody from Hogwarts was here, and nobody would ever know what had happened. I would just help this child home and be off. It would never even make a deference.

"I'm sorry," I said, in a slightly kinder voice, "I'm not exactly the best around children, but if you tell me where you live I can help you home."

   The child's eyes widened with fear and she tried to get up, presumably to run away, but shrieked in pain when she moved her leg, and then flinched as if she expected me to hit her.

"N-n-no sir. P-p-p-Please. Anywhere b-but there."

I was confused, why would this child not want to go home? Did she really hate her parents that much, that she would rather stay out here, injured and starving to death in the middle of winter than go home?

"You have to go home, young one." I snapped, then sighed again. I wasn't very good at being nice, "Your parents will miss you." I explained a bit softer

She muttered something under her breath.

"What?" I asked

She looked up frightened then repeated it in a shaky voice, "If I go there no, he'll kill me. I can guarantee it. And He won't miss me until he wakes up. He's probably passed out drunk."

I realized what she meant, and felt my face contort into a glare, "Do you mean to say that it was your FATHER that did this to you?" I asked sharply

She flinched away from me involuntarily, and nodded her head slowly, I sighed, thinking that we should probably get off the road.

"I'm going to pick you up..." I started, but the child snapped her head up, her eyes wide and fresh tears forming. She shook her head 'no' violently and started to hyperventilate. I could see the panic in her eyes, making it clear that she didn't want to be picked up, but what else could I do? She couldn't move herself, and I didn't want her to be hit by a car. Despite her protests I started to pick her up and she let out one piercing cry before falling limp. I looked at her face, panicked and realized that she was still awake. I could see her eyes focusing on different snowflakes in the distance, but her body was unresponsive, she did not react when I carried her off the road, or when I asked her if she was okay after.

   Thinking quickly about what to do, I thought that the child might not be entirely aware of her surroundings, and that I could possibly perform magic around her. Or... would she react if I tried to apparate with her? It was worth a try. I thought intently about my house for a second, and then felt a pull behind my navel. We appeared outside of it with a loud cracking noise, and I quickly hurried inside. I lay the child down on the couch, and then stood back shocked. I had brought a child into my home! Why did I care about her? Never mind, I thought to myself, all that matters is that I need to make sure she's okay... after that I had no clue what to do, I couldn't check to see if the girl was injured, after all, she was only wearing a shirt, and I was a full grown man. The only person I could think of to help me, surprisingly, was Molly Weasly. I knew she had kids of her own, and that she would know how to handle this.

   I sent an emergency owl to the ministry of Magic, where her husband worked, pleading for her to come.

    Dear, Molly Weasly

   I need your help, I'm at my house and there is an injured girl, I have no clue what to do with her and I thought that you might. Please come, I am panicking and I thought you might know how to help. I know I've never been particularly nice to you before, but I'm begging you to help me. Please send an owl back to me.

      -Severus Snape

   I sent an owl quickly and walked back and forth across the room, throwing anxious glances at the girl every few seconds. In about five minutes I got an owl back saying that Molly would be right here, but ended the note with a bunch of threats about what would happen if the letter I'd sent them was a lie. Thirty seconds later there was a cracking sound right outside my front door, and I flung it open.

"Pleas, Molly, she's inside. She's hurt and I don't know how but I found her in the middle of the road but I knew I just had to save her, and now she's not responding to anything, and I'm scared."

Molly looked at me shocked, and at a loss for words,

"Please Molly," I whispered. I could only remember feeling this helpless once before, when Lilly Potter was mad at me for calling her a mudblood. I had lost her, and I didn't know why, but I couldn't lose this girl.

Again, she looked hocked at my vulnerability, but hurried inside, with a big book under her arm. The title was something about magical remedies. I could probably heal the girl with my potions, but I didn't know what was wrong with her.

Molly got one look at her and gasped.

"What happened to her?" she snarled at me

"I don't know!" I said sharply, "I found her in the middle of a road, and she looked exactly like that."

She glared at me suspiciously, but must have decided I wouldn't have hurt her because she turned around to examine the girl again.

"You're going to have to leave the room Severus" she informed me, "Just for now."

"What? Why?" I asked worriedly

"Well, I'm going to need to take off her clothes to examine her properly..." she hinted. I turned red, but left the room quietly. I sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands. What was wrong with me? For YEARS I had remained cruel, and emotionless, but now this girl had come along and suddenly I'm freaking out?!

    About fifteen minutes later, I heard a grown come from the other room, but didn't move.

"Where am I?" asked the girl, panicked, "Who are you?"

"My name Is Molly, dear, and you're at the house of that man who saved you earlier."

"Why doesn't it hurt anymore?" asked the girl quietly, and her soft voice broke my heart. It was full of pain and distrust.

"I healed you dear."

"With what?"


"WHAT?!" asked the girl, "You mean... like a witch?"

"Exactly like a witch," chuckled Molly.

"So... magic is real?" asked the girl again,

"Yes, dear."

"And... it could do things like, blow stuff up... or set things on fire?"

"Yes honey."

"Molly..." she whispered, "I think I'm a witch."

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