In Her Own Bedroom

513 18 48

A/N: Me looking over the script and realizing that the only blank spot is the execution for this chapter: ...Shit

*Ding dong bing bong!*

"A body has been discovered! Please meet in the dorms!"

"Huh?" Haruka asks. Everyone exchanges looks of shock and horror before Saki gets up and starts running. There's an unspoken agreement as we all run to the dorms hoping for certain people to be alive.

I know it sounds horrible, but I honestly hope it's Toya. He's the one I have the least connection to. I shouldn't think about that! No one should die! Let's find him- I mean them. Stop trying to convince yourself it's Toya!

We finally reach the dorms and see an open door with people standing outside.

Outside stands Akito,

And Toya.

And I feel the horror set in

As I realize

The door


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