I'm not a kid anymore!

Start from the beginning

"Woah, easy there bud," He was concerned. Mk didn't want him to be concerned, he was fine. 

"Thanks," He squeaked out. "We should get going." Wukong watched him as he hopped into his Tuk Tuk. An uneasiness settled in his stomach. 

"Yeah," He slipped into the passenger side. The ride felt long and uncomfortable. Sun Wukong spent most of his time glancing was Mk's arm that had been trapped. 

"Hey bud, is your arm okay?" 

"What? Yeah it's fine," Mk answered quickly, too quickly. Wukong grabbed his arm, causing him to swerve a bit. Mk slammed on the breaks. 

"What the hell Monkey King?!" He nearly screamed in his mentor's face. Wukong himself looked rather guilty. 

"Sorry forgot you were driving." He said now pulling the kid's sleeve up to examine his arm. Then, thunder. 

"You got to be fucking kidding me, can it wait?!" Mk yelled again, ripping his arm away from his mentor. 

"Okay kid." The rest of the ride was silent. They finally arrived at Pigsy's noodles. Mk got out of the Tuk Tuk and rushed in just as the rain began to pour down on them. Wukong followed quickly. 

"KID!" They both jumped at Pigsy grabbed the kid and looked him over. "Are you hurt? Cold? Anything?" Pigsy grabbed his arm, the same arm that had been previously crushed, causing him to let out a pained noise. His motions stopped. Mk sighed and tugged his jacket off. A large bruise cursed his arm with it's presence.  

"What happened?" Tang looked over Pigsy's shoulder at the bruise. The pig man himself was too shocked to speak. 

"Nothing important," The kid shrugged off. Before either of his father figures could react to the statement Wukong cut in. 

"Winds whipping hard out there, it turned his vehicle over and his arm got stuck under it."

"Monkey King!" Mk whined. The said king just shrugged with a smile. 

"Sorry, bud, you can't lie to your dads," He said, his tail flicking out slightly. 

"MK, why would you lie?" Pigsy finally said. 

"It's just a bruise, nothing major! Besides I'm not a kid anymore so you all don't need to treat me like one!" They said, their non-injured hand on his chest. 

"That doesn't mean you lie about injuries! Yes, we know you're not a child anymore! But, kid, that doesn't mean- you just- fuck MK!" Pigsy groaned in frustration. 

"It doesn't mean you get to stand here and lie to our faces because you have deemed it not important," Tang placed his hand on Pigsy's back in a soothing way, "In this case it was minor but would you stand here and lie to us about a larger injury? We thought you might have gotten hurt, you took so long to get back." Mk stayed silent looking at the ground, jacket in his arms. Pigsy and Tang exchanged a glance.

"Kid, can I see it?" Pigsy spoke softly holding out his hand to take MK's arm but they didn't give it to him. "Kid?" 

"I wouldn't lie to you about something severe, I just didn't want to make you both worry, I guess. Ever since I found the staff all I've been doing is getting hurt, I thought that maybe if I kept it from you, you wouldn't be worried. I wanted to prove that you don't have to protect me anymore! Because you don't! I'm grown now and I can protect myself-" 

"I'm gonna stop you there bud, sorry for cutting in but, Mk I think they are very aware they don't need to protect you anymore. They've seen what you can do first hand," He glanced up at the pig who gave him a nod so he continued, "But it doesn't keep them, us, all of us from worrying about you." 

"And we'll still be here when you need a supporter," Tang butted in this time. Mk felt his eyes start to sting. "Or a shoulder to cry on." This tone got softer when he said that.

"This is a lot, but kid, what we're trying to say is even though you are grown up, it's okay to need someone." Pigsy placed a hand on his shoulder. MK couldn't take it anymore and launched himself into his Dadsy's arms. Pigsy was taken back at first but wrapped his arms around his adopted son. 

"And we're proud of you, kiddo," Pigsy said to him, feeling it was the right thing to say, being what he needed to hear. That's all it took for the Monkie Kid to no longer be able to hold back their tears. Tang wrapped his arms around them both. 

"Very proud," He added. Wukong watched them with a smile until his shirt was grabbed by someone and he was pulled into the hug as well. 

"Don't think your getting out of this either," Pigsy said with a rough laugh. Wukong smiled and wrapped his arms around MK with his tail around the other two. (This is not a ship it's just co-parenting at it's healthiest) They spent the rest of the day in the noodle shop taking and having a good time. 

Well that's it, this was a little rushed since I felt like i needed to post a story but i can probably do better. hope you enjoyed :D

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