Short Story - Part 1

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Alrighty-o I have no idea what I'm writing about so we'll just make it up on the spot :D

you will be reading from the Cheshire Cat's view, so you'll either be called Chess, Chessie or whatever other nickname exists for our favourite feline! Chessur will be a FEMALE because honestly why not. To be honest, there is a version of Alice in Wonderland where the Cheshire Cat was a female - acted by Whoopi Goldberg - and was one of the few characters that were actually nice to Alice!!

And I still don't know what to write... hmmmm

OK, I know what I'm going to do. There is a song, 'We're All Mad Here' by Victoria Carbol, who is awesome as she has now made songs based on Throne of Glass, Six of Crows AND Alice in wonderland! yay! So anyway, I will take the lyrics of that song and make it into a short story!...? It'll be like, 1, 2 stanza per chapter or something

Yea, let us see where this lands us...

It turns out, that cats do exist outside of Wonderland. Perhaps not as mad, or wonderful, but still very curious creatures. As I rest on the elegant branch hanging off the tree, I peer down at the peculiar beings below me. Not animal, nor object, but certainly in need of a decent haircut and hat. Maybe... Maybe the Hatter will help- no, not help, merely...fix. Yes. That's the word, fix.

I jump gracefully from my branch to upon the patch of grass in front of the things. In a way, they remind me of the Hatter, except not as mad. Of course! I think, they're human! The older human - a girl - has her eyes closed, seemingly having fallen asleep whilst reading a book to the younger, blonder girl, who stares at me curiously. She seems sensible enough to not chase me, but maybe... yes, that's what I'll do


"Come Rabbit, I'm telling you, the Red Queen will utterly love her! Such a unique head to add to her collection! She won't follow me, but you in all of your tailored coated-ness, well, she'd hardly be able to resist!"

The White Fluffball stares at me, "fine, but I will have to hurry, or I'll be late for my meeting with the Queen and then it will be off with my head!!"

I roll my eyes, but glide down the rabbit hole after him, "don't worry, you'll thank me later Bijeli."

That means 'White' in Croatian, to save you from searching. I was looking for a nickname for our favourite rabbit :) (PRONUNCIATION: beer-lee – with a roll.)


"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" shrieks the Rabbit, as he comes tunnelling back down the hole. My eyes widen and I dive out of the way, just as a curious face peers down the hole, "a talking rabbit? Oh, I must be dreaming things! But I wonder... Papa's not expected home from work until nine to five and oh... this day is just getting curiouser and curiouser. First an invisible, floating cat, and now a White Rabbit wearing a tailored coat! With a pocket watch no less! I must follow him!" and starts to climb into the rabbit hole, and steps on my tail! I hiss and yank my tail away, causing the girl to slip, head first, down the Rabbit's hole.


I tumble down after her, accidently knocking a cupboard her way. In interest, the girl picks up the marmalade jar I finished earlier and opens it. Dissapointed there is nothing inside, she chucks it away. The jar comes hurtling at me, and before I can move, it crashes into me, causing me to slide down an alternate hole. Oh great. Now, not only have I lost the girl, but I'm on my way to the Duchess.

Maybe, but some, insane-sane chance, we'll cross paths again.

Just maybe...

Alrighty-o fist part of the story done! this story will be dotted through the book, or maybe even extensions or parts that we weren't shown. Below, I've placed the lyrics for the song, and the words in bold are what I have covered - to a degree - in this chapter. The song is above. I hope you enjoyed reading!

- Chess, your local neighbourhood cat ;)

Come with me
And take my hand
Let's go down
To Wonderland

Do you work nine to five
Just stay, stay alive
Say you're a slave
To the boss who drives
You crazy, baby
You were born to thrive

So follow the rabbit down
We belong there anyhow

We're all mad here
Hiding monsters underneath
We're all mad here
Fight wars and call it peace
We're all mad here
Cogs in a wheel
Bones made of steel
Souls grown cold beneath
We're all mad here

We play with guns on our TV screens
And we claim we're starving before we eat
Ain't it strange, we're in the place to be
But it always seems there's somewhere better
Someone else we'd rather be

So follow the rabbit down
We belong there anyhow

We're all mad here
Hiding monsters underneath
We're all mad here
Fight wars and call it peace
We're all mad here
Cogs in a wheel
Bones made of steel
Souls grown cold beneath
We're all mad here

Come with me
And take my hand
Let's go down
To Wonderland

Come with me
And take my hand
Let's go down
To Wonderland

Come with me
And take my hand, Oh
Let's go down
To Wonderland

Come with me
And take my hand, Oh
Let's go down
To Wonderland

Follow the rabbit down
We belong there anyhow

We're all mad here
Hiding monsters underneath
We're all mad here
Fight wars and call it peace
We're crazy (We're all mad here)
Oh, crazy
Gettin' crazier
Cogs in a wheel
Bones made of steel
Souls grown cold beneath
We're all mad here
We're all mad here
We're all mad here
We're all mad here
We're all mad here

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