POV the twins eat pizza (Part two of the kawata twins get in trouble in school)

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"The pizza smells so gooooood!!" Angry says shaking Smiley

"I know right!! I want jalapeños on the pizzaaaa!!" Smiley says jumping up and down.

Smiley takes out the $100 that he stole from the teacher.

"How many pizzas should we buy?" Smiley said while waving the 100 dollar bill.

"Probably 2 pizzas? Half pepperoni half jalapeño?" Angry said making that thinking character look.

"Hmmm we'll still have some money left over, probably go to the mall afterwards to get sexy outfits so we can be sexyyy?" Smiley said still waving the $100 dollar bill.

"Sure but not for the sexy part." Angry said doing the embarrassed smirk.

*Sigh* "Okay then I'll order the pizzas and you go find us a table to sit at." Smiley said pointing at the counter.

"Okay!" Angry said running towards a table.

Smiley walks towards the counter doing the bakugou walk because he thinks he looks sexy doing it.

"Mayy I orderrrr 2 half pepperoni half jalapeño pizzasssss?" Smiley said trying to be sexy

"Um sure" said the counter lady not getting what smiley is trying to do.

"We need to make 2 half pepperoni half jalapeño pizzas!!" Said the counter lady to the cooks.

"Okay that'll be $48.32 please." Said the cashier lady typing the cashier thingy.

Smiley hands them the 100 dollar bill and winks at them at the same time.

One of the lady's start blushing while the other felt uncomfortable.

"HEY PEACH HEAD ARE YOU DONE YET?!!" Angry said being very hungry.

"YES!!" Said smiley yelling at angry even though they aren't that far from each other.

Smiley walks over to the table to angry.

"Soooo I saw that you were trying to flirt with those lady's over there." Angry said while his eyebrows go up and down.

"Stopppp I am tired of being singleeee plus they were hot af I had no choice." Said Smiley looking upset.

10ish minutes later

"Here's your pizzas" said a waitress placing the pizzas down on the table.

"Ooohhh man I can't wait to eat  the pizzassss." Said Smiley with the biggest smile ever.

"Wait one question, are you guys twins?" Said the waitress

"Y-yes we are um..." Said angry having social anxiety.

"Twins yeah we're twins." Said smiley finishing Angry's sentence.

"That's cool I never served twins before." Said the waitress.

"And we never met a se-" Smiley said. (And we never met a sexy waitress before)

"He means we never met a very nice waitress before." Angry said  nervously laughing covering smileys mouth.

"Cool cool well I hope you guys enjoy your pizza." Said the waitress.

"I swear I hate that word." Said Angry to Smiley while whispering.

"What Sexy???" Said smiley just getting Angry's hand off his mouth.

"Y-Yes-but I still hate it so never say it again." Angry said turning red.

"Mannn your such a turd let's just eat our pizza before it gets cold." Smiley said eating a piece of jalapeño pizza.

"Are we still going to the mall?" Said Angry.

"Nahhh I don't feel like it anymore, after this let's just go home." Said smiley still eating the pizza.

The end for now

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