POV: the kawata twins get in trouble in school

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Angry was busy doing work in his class and hears Smiley whisper to him

"Heyy this class is soooooo boringgggg!!"

(Their in the same class)

Angry looks over at Smiley and puts his pointer finger on his mouth

"Shhhh be quiet I'm trying to study." Smileys expression changes to a frown for the first time ever.

"Ughhh your so boringgg let's get out of this classsssss!!"
Smiley yells on accident.

Angry starts to turn red like crazy from embarrassment. 

Smiley tries to stand up but angry pushes him down

"No we're going to get in trouble" Angry says still red as fuck.

Smiley gets up and grabs Angry's arm and drags him to the door.

"Where do you guys think your going?!" The teacher said with her hands on her hips.

"Bathroom..." Smiley said opening the door still dragging Angry.

"Go back to your seats the lesson isn't over yet!" The teacher said turning red from anger.

Smiley frowns again, let's go of Angry's hand and reaches his hand into his pocket.

"Here take this." Smiley said yeeting a cologne he stole from Gucci.

"You stank like hell..." Smiley said taking Angry's arm and dragging him out of the classroom.

The twins stay quiet until they reach the exit of the school.

Angry yanks his arm out of Smileys

"We'll get in trouble if we get out of school without of anyones permission." Angry said with his normal angry look.

"Who caressss!!" Smiley said putting his hand onto the exit door.

"HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU BRATS ARE DOING!!" A random teacher said running up to the twins.

Angry freezes in fright and Smiley takes Angry's arm and opens the exit door before the teacher could reach them and run outside heading towards the new pizza place that opened.

The twins both take a breather and open the pizza places door.

"Let me pay I stole this money from the teacher." Smiley said waving the money in the air.

"W-what why did you steal that." Angry said looking shocked af.

"Because pizza is more important than stupid school." Smiley said smiling and putting his hand on Angry's shoulder. They walk towards the order area.

Then they get home and their mom gets angry and grounds them for a week.

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