Not Letting Go

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Yunlan rushed to the City hospital right after receiving the call. He was sweating nervously but he tried to steel his mind. He kept telling himself he can not crumble down no matter what as Shen Wei needed him the most right now.

In half an hour he reached the hospital, and went to the reception to enquire. He did not know the room number, so he fanatically ask the nurse about Shen Wei.
The nurse was awkward for a moment but when she got a name, she looked through the details and told Yunlan, "it's room 302."

Yunlan ran up the stairs, without waiting for the elevator and only took a breathe before opening the door of room 302.

And there he saw, Shen Wei lying there, motionless, with IV drips and oxygen pipes, his color as pale as the moon. He entered the room silently, not wanting to disturb. His heart has calmed down a lot now knowing that he has finally found his lover. Now, no matter what he is not letting him go away. He has never felt this much anxious.

He saw Shen Wei snoring softly, too weak to even sit. He put his index finger on Shen Wei's hand, which was lying still and touched him gently. Probably, Shen Wei felt the touch, his fingers wrapped around Yunlan's index finger lightly and Shen Wei whispered, "Zhan Zhao? You are here? "

Yunlan smiled listening Shen Wei's voice, "Are you sleepy? "

Shen Wei eye's were forced open when he heard Yunlan's voice. It felt like something in him broke and he haphazardly tried to sit.

Yunlan instantly told him to lay down, "what are you doing?? Stay still! You will hurt yourself. " He held Shen Wei's shoulder firmly to calm him down.

Just how much Shen Wei was missing Yunlan is not something he can put into words. His lips quivered and his hand reached for Yunlan's with longing gaze. He wished if he could embrace the latter right now, he won't want anything anymore.
He knows how his misfortune started. It started when Yunlan's father got a hunch about their relationship. He already lost many things on the way. His brain is telling him to let go of Yunlan and live peacefully with his brother somewhere far, where trouble can not reach them. He knows he is getting himself into an unavoidable peril from where he couldn't stand by his own strength again. But his heart is so vulnerable at the sight of Yunlan, that he just wants to curl up in between his lover's warm arms and disappear.

Yunlan hastily reached for Shen Wei's hand which was hanging mid air and intertwined their finger. His soft gazes ran over Shen Wei checking if he is feeling discomfort anywhere. He wants to ask how are you but that question feels ridiculous. If course, Shen Wei is not okay.

Yunlan eyes were blurred for a little, he felt overwhelmed. If he could ease his lover's pain somehow he would do anything. He closed his eyes and grew closer the man lying in the white bed of the hospital. Their foreheads touched and Yunlan exhaled with relief, "You scared me Shen Wei. "

Shen Wei's lips turned a little upwards and he also closed his eyes to feel their close proximity. He felt Yunlan's hand making his way over to his head and careseeing his hair gently.
Then Yunlan gave a kiss on Shen Wei's forehead and smiled, "I am back my dear teacher. I promise nothing will happen to you now. Just hold on for a little and i will take you from here with me. "

The door was not close that time anyway so Zhan Zhao and Yutang also came there by that time. After hearing what Yunlan said, Zhan Zhao yanked his hand from Yutang's hold and said furiously, "No way! I will not let you!! Just leave us alone brother Yunlan, leave him alone then everything will be fine. "
Zhan Zhao said with gritted teeth but could not maintain his expression anymore. He was breaking down. He knows Shen Wei needed Yunlan to stay now even more but he doesn't want to take any risk.

Yunlan was surprised at Zhan Zhao's outburst,  because Zhan Zhao is usually a very soft person with him. Shen Wei's one hand struggled to remove his oxygen mask and one hand was clasped into Yunlan's grip tightly.

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