Birthday and condition

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Zhan Zhao was sleeping peacefully, more comfortably than his home right now. But he has to wake up some hours later and found Yutang talking with someone in a video call. He looked at the side,where Yutang was working on his laptop,wanting to get up, but Yutang gestured him to lay down.

It was Yutang's father Bai Yuan was on the other side of the video call.

"Dad, what is it? " Yutang asked.

"Yutang what are you doing? I told you not to get involve with Shen family. Didn't I? It's not like you interfering in worker's business. " Bai Yuan said a little aggrieved.

"Dad, what are you talking about? " Yutang tried to play dumb.

"Don't act Yutang. I got a call from Shao family complaining about you. I heard you threatened to take action against them. Is it wrong? " Bai Yuan demanded answer

"No not at all. But it has nothing to do with the Shen family. It's one of my favorite restaurant and they were messing things up there for no apparent reason. I didn't know Shen's son work there or not. I just defended my favorite shop. " Yutang shrugged.

"Oh yeah? Then why did Yunlan go to meet Shen Wei in the jail? " Bai Yuan wasn't going to let it go.

"Well... Ask him. How would I know? Also dad, aren't you on a vacation? Why are you stressing about these things? I will take care of it. " Yutang said.

"You guys won't let me rest of course. I don't know what you are doing Yutang and why are you doing all these. But I want to wash your hands up from this case. Also I need you to go to the States after two weeks. Remember that. I will talk to Yunlan too. " His father said one-sidedly and cut the call.

Yutang turned down his laptop frustrated.

Zhan Zhao could listen both side's conversation. He meekly said, "Your father seems angry. "

"Of course he would be kitty cat. Even if he doesn't stop me from doing what I like, he clearly states his displeasure always. " Yutang laughed.

"Will you be gone after two weeks? " Zhan Zhao asked now, getting up fully to face Yutang.

"I will decide when the time comes." Yutang winked. "You don't have to worry. Neither me nor Yunlan like to leave things incomplete. I don't plan on backing away. " Yutang said determined.

Zhan Zhao softly said, "thank you. "

"Yeah yeah! How many times are you gonna say thank you!? Are you becoming like your father? Let's go. You had a good sleep, let's go to the garden which you were eyeing so passionately. Yunlan should be back by now. " Yutang dragged Zhao to the garden.

There was a round table with four chairs on the middle of the garden. It was almost afternoon when they went there. After entering the garden, Zhan Zhao somehow spotted a squirrel and he followed it, leaving Yutang alone.

Yutang laughed "what the heck? Are you really a kitty? "

He brought some snack and placed it in the table. Yutang was munching on it happily, since both of them didn't get to have a proper lunch.

Zhao shouted from a distance, "can I take pictures? "

Yutang said laughing "it's not a secret base. You can! "

Zhan Zhao started to click photos with his phone, specially of some flowers which he liked. After half an hour, he happily came over to Yutang.

"Eat something. You did not eat anything. You just slept like a log. " Yutang said pushing a plate of cookies towards him.

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