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While riding home Yutang kept humming "I am so tired... I am so tired. "

Yunlan was patient for some time then he snapped "you didn't even do anything! You just sat still and listened to Shen Wei's father."

Yutang clicked his tongue, "it's not easy being a listener. "

Yunlan laughed cheekily "not for you who can only order others. " Then shook his head "do you have no shame? How can you flirt with Zhan Zhao in his father's presence? "

"I was not. We were just talking. " Yutang said indifferent.

"About what? Ingredients of that juice? " Yunlan puts on his best smile.

"Why don't you focus on your case and Shen Wei? " Yutang said, messing with his phone.

"By the way... The older brother is more beautiful. " Yunlan said.

"No! The younger one is more beautiful. " Yutang protested.

"No way. You haven't even seen Shen Wei? " Yunlan was amazed.

"That doesn't matter." Yutang said.

"Ridiculous." Yunlan grinned. He thought his brother is a lost cause.

"Whatever it is, you need to help me Yutang.  Any news about the victim family? " Yunlan asked.

"Ah yeahh! This Shao family is actually utter garbage. They don't have a pleasant reputation, but has a lot of money. " Yutang chuckled.

"So you mean they are a family who have a lot of enemies probably. " Yunlan concluded. "It's still like finding a needle in a haysack. If we consider Shen Wei the innocent one, then we need to find the actual offender. "

"I agree. We don't have enough evidence to set Shen Wei free. I will try to look into more private matters of them. It would be good if we could have an insight about the family from someone inside. " Yutang said.

"Yeah... But that's a risk also. The money was exchanged with Shen Wei's one. So if the money was the cause for kidnapping, their attempt was very unsuccessful. " Yunlan said.

"It may not be related to the family. Everyone knows that the school where Shen Wei teaches, is a good rank kindergarten and many rich families put their kids in it. So someone probably targeted that school to run their plan and randomly chose a kid. Rest are coincidences and the real kidnapper's good luck. Or it could be that the Shao family's kid was marked as the target from the first and the school was the most safe place to kidnap from. " Yutang shrugged. So many possibilities.

"That's why we need to know if the family sensed anything before or not. Surveillance, stalkers something like that. But we are the defenders. They won't say anything to us. They all believe that Shen Wei is the culprit and we are trying to help him. "  Yunlan remarked.

"But they still don't know that you are investigating it. Do they? " Yutang asked.

"No. Shen wei will be appointed a lawyer by the government if he finds none himself.... But they don't know it's me. Because I haven't confirmed it yet. " Yunlan said.

"Since we have time let's wait a bit bro. It's better for now if they don't suspect Bai family's involvement. " Yutang said and then complained "I am sleepy. Can't you drive faster? "

"I drive my car Yutang. I don't fly it like you. " Yunlan retorted and the night falls in the middle of their bickering.

Before sleeping Yutang decided that he is gonna sleep like a log until daybreak tomorrow and no one can disturb him.

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