Love drink (Ft All fusion x Yaya) R16

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She was blushing bright red and wanted out from this uncomfortable position she's in. He was a very charming devil, she admits and that's why he earned the title of the school's playboy which it was dangerous enough for her to stay away from.

Part of the reason why he is popular is that he achieved an every man's (who's desperate for girls) dream, and had twenty one girlfriends at the same time. Of course, he wasn't like the movie ones, his academics were high and always kept up on his studies which Yaya can praise him for but the fact he always calculates his schedule perfectly to separate his studies and love life is weird.

Also, when it was said he "had '' twenty one girlfriends, this morning, Yaya had heard a news that the playboy of the school had broken up with his girlfriends at the same time by texting for an unknown reason. It's quite impressive knowing when it comes to school news it takes a whole week for students to remember when it comes to gossiping, words and whispers were always heard in the hallways.

Yaya could see the jealous and envious eyes from the crowd of girls around them, some were glaring and others were crying, as Supra could never be theirs now. This fate of hers was more worse than the one in the library, making her wish she had stayed there instead.

"Yaya, where do you think you're going, have you forgotten the anniversary!?" His tone was getting louder which scared her a bit, thinking she had wronged him in some way.

"W-what anniversary?" She asked slightly nervous of what he's gonna do to her, he was getting closer and she had no way to lean back when her head was backed to the wall.

"Our 2 hours anniversary of course, idiot!!"

This made her question her own memory now, did she have forgotten something yesterday? Certainly not, she remembers everything as it was a school day.

"Umm Senior Supra, do tell me when have we ever been in a relationship?" She looked up at him with utter loss as she wasn't scared anymore since there was no reason to.

"Well I'm glad you asked my dear, since that time you touched my hand when I picked up your dropped books." He smiled pridefully, no more anger as his favorite topic is always about the love between them.

"Ehhhhh but but that doesn't make sense." She examined but Supra didn't hear her puzzling words and babbled on.

"Such soft and small hands you have, I can still remember the first touch we had... I don't think I would ever wash this blessed hand of mine." He idealized while lovingly rubbing his right hand to his cheek but to Yaya it sounded creepy more than romantic.

"Uhhhh thank you?"

She was debating in her mind if it's a compliment or a joke because again, everything that's happening currently has been hectic and crazy and she doesn't know how to respond to all of this. She was wondering if something had hitted the poor boy's head too hard and he needed to go to the nurse.

"The first time we met, your attempt of being clumsy in order to get my attention was not a disappointment, I admit it I've got caught up in your enchanting face and got smashed on the floor, my dear."

She was so tempted to land a punch on his pretty boy face but looking at it was so sincere that it made her think twice if he was just too self-centered to realize his words were an insult. She sighed, choosing to give up on it for the result of either angered him or upset him.

"So, how about a little kiss as an apology for being two minutes late?"

He was leaning in close again as his words felt very seductive for some reason but remember she had never even kissed a boy before, her panic alarms began to turn on as she didn't know what to do physically. He was hot but that doesn't mean she would accept kissing a stranger or let along her first kiss wasn't special!

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