"That's reassuring, mate," Elizabeth stated softly, letting out a deep sigh.

She wanted to keep her weapon close to her at all times. But Layla didn't allow it, she took it and hid it right next to the bags brought which they put under the wooden platform. She sighed in dismay but she understood why she couldn't bring it with her.

After Marc had set their items down below the platform, something caught his eyes. As his gaze drifted upwards, he spotted a boar slowly approaching them, their faces were shrouded in darkness so he couldn't make out what they look like, but one thing's for sure. The two women noticed this and followed his gaze.

"Harrow's men keeping tabs?" Layla assumed as she stepped closer to Marc, her gaze on the people riding the boat never wavered. Elizabeth tensed at the mention of Harrow's name.

"Yeah, could be." Marc then looked over to Elizabeth, who kept looking at the boat like she was expecting someone else to be there. She watched on with bated breath as their boat was becoming closer to them.

"Are you okay?" Marc asked, his eyebrows scrunched together in worry. He rested his hand over her shoulder, noting the way she softly gasped when she turned her head.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay!" she stammered, putting up a smile to hide the fact that she was scared to face her sister, not this early at least.

Layla glanced between the two, noting the way Elizabeth immediately calmed down just by Marc's reassurance. She broke their moment by walking in between them, this caused Marc to draw his arm back as they stepped away from her.

Marc and Elizabeth followed Layla, both of them tailing behind her as they wove through the crowd. Marc couldn't help but look over to Elizabeth, worry was building up in his chest when he saw how troubled she was. He couldn't understand why he was feeling all bothered to see her like this.

"You sure you're okay?" he asked, concern coating his voice as Elizabeth raised her head and turned it in Marc's direction. He was able to see her eyes again, which twinkled under the lights around them. His breath got caught in his throat but he then parted his lips as a soft breath escaped them.

"Yep, perfectly fine," she reassured him, but something in the way she spoke made him think otherwise.

Marc nodded, not wanting to press her about the matter before facing ahead. They were getting close to the paddock,  and sounds of sticks clashing against one another filled the air inside the paddock where they were displaying a game of El-Mermah. Marc sprinted over to join Layla's side.

"Remember," Layla began, her tone firm as she stood closer to Marc while slowing down to allow Elizabeth to catch up to them so she could hear as well, "Your name is Rufino Estrada."

"Right." Marc answered, "We just got back from our honeymoon in the Maldives." Marc looked on to Layla, whose face held an irritated look, "That's an interesting little detail to give to them."

"I'd tell them you worked at a gift shop but they'd never believe me, would they?" Layla rebutted, then she turned to Elizabeth, "How about you?"

"A third-wheel apparently." Elizabeth glanced at the pair, the corners of her lips tugging upwards as she offered a cheeky smile before shaking her head, her voice dropping to a serious one, "I'm just kidding. What do you think I should—"

She was then interrupted when a tall, dark-skinned man stopped in front of them. Layla called him Bek as they shook hands and exchanged greetings. Elizabeth's gaze darted down to the gun strapped to his belt, the metal glinting under the moonlight.

"It's been a while," Layla said, lifting her hand to shake hands with the man in front of them.

"Right this way." Said Bek, stepping to the side to allow the three of them to move forward. Elizabeth nodded at the man when he met her gaze, following behind Marc and Layla who walked in front of her, hand in hand. She was quick to divert her gaze away.

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