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Renjun walked down the hallway with a frown on his face, not really in the best mood. He began looking around for his best friend since he hadn't walked with him this morning.

He finally spotted him across the hallway but he was with Hajun, as they seemed to be in a deep conversation, looking around them occasionally to see if anyone was in ear reach of their talk. The frown on his face only seemed to deepen as he watched the two laugh about something before walking away down the hallway, leaving him to stand there and stare at them.

His mind then thought back to yesterday as he thought about him continuously declining to tell him about the talk he had with Hajun.

"Why can't you just tell me.. that's all I ask." He mumbled to himself.

He missed his presence by his side even if they'd only been separated for a day. He then continued his walk down the hallway as he got stuck in his thoughts once again.

He didn't understand the point of Donghyuck not telling him about the conversation, it didn't seem like nothing if he couldn't tell him. He also didn't understand why him and Hajun were suddenly hanging out again as if nothing ever happened between them, they were even laughing together. Donghyuck never told him that he had became friends with Hajun again, or even if Hajun had apologized to him about all of the things he'd done or caused.

'Are you replacing me Donghyuck..?' He thought.

Suddenly he felt someone harshly grab onto his arm and yank him somewhere before roughly pushing him up against a door, causing him to hurt his shoulder.

"Ouch.." He mumbled as he rubbed his shoulder to try and ease the pain. He looked around trying to find out who pulled his arm so hard into the classroom he realized he was in.

His eyes stopped on Joonlim who was standing in front of him with a smirk on his face, "What." Renjun blandly asked.

"I just wanted to show you something." He told him before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his phone out.

Renjun stared at him confused before asking. "Something like... what?"

Joonlim chuckled before handing over the phone to him, "A picture i thought you'd like to see." He said.

Renjun hesitated on whether or not to take the phone from him. Eventually he took the phone from his hands, telling himself it wouldn't hurt to look at whatever he wanted to show him. Renjun stared at Joonlim for a few seconds before looking down at the picture that was on the phone. Immediately regretting his own decision after seeing what it was.

He stared down at the phone in shock. "T-that's..." He couldn't seem to finish his own sentence as he tried to find words to say.

"Jeno." Joonlim said making Renjun snap his head up to look at him.

"Y-your lying. Jeno said he was in the deans office yesterday. This can't possibly be him." He said.

Joonlim cocked an eyebrow at him, "Is that what he told you?" He asked and Renjun slowly nodded then looked back down at the picture.

"I saw him sneaking around the school during class hours then as I was looking for him, i saw him kiss Jihye." Joonlim said.

Renjun looked up at him confused, "What? But I saw Jihye kiss some other guy during lunch," He said to himself. "But maybe that might've been-" He cut himself off not wanting to finish it.

He didn't want to believe that who he saw Jihye kissing yesterday was Jeno, he just wouldn't be able to handle it if that seemed to be the only correct and stable answer.

𝖣𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 「𝖭𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗆𝗂𝗇」 || 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑✔︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن