3. Empowered, in solace

Start from the beginning

"Says the person whose taken right now? What do you know huh?" I asked him feeling infuriated that he would be lecturing me on dating.

"Admit you know there's something between us Isla. But you're avoiding it." He said, I just laughed in his face.

"You're completely delusional, besides you've got Rosalie. Now if you excuse me, I have to take care of Austin." I said. I started to walk away and Will gripped my wrist spinning me around to face him.

"Isla! I need your help." I heard Austin calling out.
"I'm coming Austin, just a second!" I called back. I pulled out of Will's grip and rushed over toward the backstage area.

"Isla, do you know where my back medicine is? My back is killing me." Austin said and I nodded rushing into his bag and got them.

"Here." I said bringing him a bottle of Poland Spring water so he could take it.

"We haven't spent much time on tour together, so tell me how is everything with you?" My older brother asks me.

"So you know the guy that I met at the New York City date, he's planning to take me for drinks. Would it be okay? He'll be coming in Vegas." I asked him.

"Yes of course it would be fine, especially my little sister is growing up!" Austin said with a smile. Austin and I were always close to each other and told each other everything.

Since Will is off limits, he's taken anyway. Why should I allow some man control or dictate what to do with life?

"I love you Austin!" I said hugging my brother, he smiled while hugging me back.


What did Isla see in that Erik guy anyway? What did he have that I didn't? Oh yes, he wasn't taken idiot!

I saw Austin and the guys getting for the show, I saw Isla smiling and all happy. Of course she had asked Austin permission for a date. But why was I feeling so jealous?

"Man are you sure it's okay for Isla to go out with that Erik fellow?" I asked the drummer while we sat in the green getting in my in-ears.

"Uh why not? Isla is old enough and she knows herself better enough. Why do you care so much?" Austin asks me while knitting his eyebrows.

"You know she's beautiful and all, but don't you want her to be careful man? That Erik guy could be dangerous." I said shrugging.

"Tell me William do you have the hots for my sister or something? Besides Rosalie isn't that bad looking either." Austin said, I chuckled.

"No man I don't have the hots for Isla, I'm just saying we should protect her is all." I said, while I watched Isla speaking with Moke and they were laughing about something.

It's the way her face lights up when she laughs, it's the way her brown eyes held a twinkle when she spoke. Those little moments when she heard something disgusting and her nose would crinkle her in disgust. All the same things.

"You're sounding real jealous man, I trust Isla. She's smarter than she looks." Austin said, grabbing his drum sticks as we prepared to go out on stage.

"Break a leg boys!" Isla said with a smile while we group hugged. Austin, Adam, Moke, Andrew, Isla and I.

"Will you take pretty photos of me tonight?" I asked suggestively to Isla and she giggles.
"You know I will Ramos!" She said with a smile. Since Josh wasn't in, she was going to do the photos.

I saw Isla standing side stage and she began snapping a few photos and stuff.

"Are you fucking ready everyone? This is To The Hellfire!" I yelled into the microphone.


I stood with Rosalie as I snapped photos of Will and the boys. As Will was screaming To the Hellfire. One of my favourites, while I walk into the audience and start snapping close ups of Will and the others boys.

I took a few for Austin as well, he was going so fast on the drums. I went back to the position with Isla.

"I see the way you look at him." Rosalie said.

"Look at who?" I ask confused.
"Will you like him, don't you?"she asks me.

"No I don't like him, I just love this song!" I said with a smile. Rosalie and I went back to listening to the set. But I was lying to myself, of course I liked William. He's perfect, what's not to like? But he's got a girl and now things were complex.

"You know forbidden romances are a complicated thing don't you think?" Rosalie asks me and I nodded.

"Besides I've got a date in two days so." I said to her, she nods while they ended with Immortal. I found myself helping with the clean up of their set.

I decided to check up on the boys and they were doing fine, I went over to Will's dressing room and I saw Rosalie and Will kissing, his shirt was undone exposing his chest and abs.

Maybe it was for the best that I moved on from this silly crush, and focus on myself and Erik. I covered my mouth and I walked away.

"What's the matter?" I heard Moke ask me.
"Nothing." I said while walking with him.

"You like him, don't you? Why aren't you doing something about it?" Moke asks me.
"Because it doesn't matter, now let's go to the next city." I said, while the guys climbed into the RV and Will brought Rosalie with him.

When will I learn my fucking lesson? That this can't ever be!

A/N: Does Isla like William? How will the date with Erik go? Is someone going to intervene? Let me know your ideas, comment below! - MyVictim

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