"I don't know why this is hitting me so hard today," Carina yawned as she went to grab her bag, Maya immediately taking it out of her hands.

"Did you just leave work to come get me?" Carina asked as they headed out of the office.

"I was just doing paperwork," Maya said, "Which I can just as easily do at home while you rest."

"Thank you Bambina," Carina said as they walked through the hospital, "But you can go back to work and finish your shift. I'm ok."

"I don't think so," Maya said, shaking her head, "I'm coming with you to take care of you.

"Grazie," Carina said, yawning a little bit.

"Of course," Maya said, "You don't have to thank me. I'm your wife, taking care of you is in my job description."

They walked outside, Carina looking at her wife.

"I'll meet you at home?" Carina said.

"Absolutely not," Maya said, "I'm driving you home."

"But then my car will be here," Carina said as Maya guided her to where she had parked.

"I will walk here when I have to get the girls and we can drive your car home," Maya said, "You can barely keep your eyes open. You should not be driving."

Carina just followed her wife, knowing she was right. Carina ended up falling asleep on the way home, Maya going to try to carry her in when they got home only to have Carina wake up.

"I can walk," Carina said sleepily.

"I can carry you babe," Maya said, going to pick her up.

"That's ok," Carina said, stretching a little before forcing her tired body out of the car, Maya wrapping her arm around Carina's waist to steady her, "I'm so tired."

"I am serious, I can carry you," Maya said, seeing just how exhausted her wife looked.

"I'm ok," Carina said as Maya helped her into the house.

"Let's get you up to bed," Maya said, guiding Carina though the house.

"But the couch is right there," Carina said, pointing to it, "And it looks so comfy."

"You will be much happier in bed," Maya said, "Come on, I will even cuddle with you if you want."

"You have to work," Carina said as they started up the stairs.

"Work can wait a little bit," Maya shrugged, "I'll get it done. Right now, though, I am going to take care of you."

They made it to their room, Maya helping Carina change into her pajamas before getting her into bed.

"I am going to go get you something to drink," Maya said, rubbing Carina's back, "What do you want?"

"Water," Carina said, "But no ice."

"Ok," Maya nodded, "Anything else?"

Carina shook her head, pulling her blankets closer.

"I'll be right back," Maya said, pressing a kiss to Carina's forehead before heading downstairs.

She went to the fridge, getting some water for her wife, grabbing her backpack and the folder they had been given when Carina started her treatments, deciding she needed to read up on how to help her wife through these new symptoms.

She felt so bad for her wife, knowing that she had been feeling so good recently and that this was probably a hard blow for her to deal with. Part of it made her incredibly angry.

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