Volume 1 - VIII

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<< chapter 8 >>

~We will meet again~

Love and trust if broken, cause immense pain

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Love and trust if broken, cause immense pain.


The new rays of sunlight and hope dawned on the prestigious palace of Akhand Arora.

In the utterly silent room, a shrill noise of the alarm disturbed the cricketer's peaceful sleep.

"This isn't an alarm. It is an indirect invitation for heart failure!" Ishan muttered, half sitting on bed.

He stood up and finally came out being fully dressed for the day, after an hour.

Just as he was admiring himself in the dressing table mirror, he heard a voice.

'Mangal bhavan, Amangal hari
Drabahu sudasarath achar bihari'

This Bhajan, was always sung by his mother and the Queen. But this was certainly not her voice.

"Who's singing Bhajan even better and sweeter than Maasa?"

He came out almost immediately and made his way towards the palace temple.

'Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jay Jay Ram
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram Jay Jay Ram'

Ishan was awestruck by both, the voice and the person who owned it.

Hiya had finished singing the aarti and was touching the royal priest's feet. She took the prasad from him to distribute to others inside the palace.

She turned and the prince, came into her view, a shocked expression on his face. Her eyes turned glossy. After everything that had happened between them due to which her parents were upset and the blame, of course. Nobody ever dared to say all of this to her. For the first time, she felt heartbroken.

Even though Ishan was a royal, he still felt guilty for hurting Hiya, which was unlikely for a prince. Royal people weren't meant to apologise, ever.

Last night, he instructed his ministers to investigate and they told him in the morning that it wasn't the Raj's. He is never so impulsive, but the fact that Pandattva and Hiya did this with him, made him react quickly.

Apart from this, there was another question eating Ishan's mind. Why had Satyawati accused the Raj family. He knew on the first sight, that his aunt didn't like Hiya or Pandattva Raj. She detested the whole family. Ishan knew somewhere that Satyawati should be warned about putting false accusations, but he couldn't digest the fact that his Bua Maa would do something like this.

Rao - Rani (Book 1) [Under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now