Chapter 1

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Constants POV

Today is my birthday Officially 18, and because I'm 18 I can hear what my soulmate is listening to. I can't wait to hear their taste in music finally. Omg, what if they're famous? If so, then do I already know their songs? So many questions that I need to know and I'm not sure if I will get the answers or not.

Anyways I get up and just to let my soulmate know I'm of age I start to listen to one of my favorite groups BTS, I start to put on Hip-Hop Phile. It's one of my many favorite old songs from them. While listening to BTS, I change my outfit for the day. (Her outfit is on the top) While I get ready, I lightly headbang till they sing then I sing a bit of the lyrics.

So many questions about them that I want to know, like their gender? What is their name? How long have they been without hearing me, well my music for? I must not have been paying attention because in a few minutes my mom opened the door and looked at me.

"Hi mom, morning," I said to her, and she smiled

"I see you're letting your soulmate know it's your 18 birthday." She said and I nodded

"That and I wanted to let them know my taste in music a bit. I know you don't like their music, but you must admit this is a headbanger?" I said to her and she nodded her head

She doesn't agree that much with K-pop, but now and then she likes the songs. She even uses BTS hip-hop songs and rap line individual songs when she's at the gym. My mom is a gym rat, she's a fitness trainer. Thankfully she doesn't enforce her lifestyle on me, because that's not me at all.

I finally go downstairs with my bookbag, I put it by the door then go into the kitchen and make some cereal. As I eat I hear a knock at the door and mom gets it.

"Hi ms. Smith." Said my friend Jasmine

"Hi, good morning Jasmine. Come on in." Said mom and she can in and sat next to me

"Hey girly, did you play music as I told you to?" She asked me as I nodded my head

"You told her to do that? Nice job, I don't think she would have on her own." Mom said as she and Jas laughed

"What was it like when you met dad?" I asked mom

"When I met your dad we were both buying groceries and I could hear the echo of the song playing over the pa. I didn't think anything of it till we bumped into each other and I felt sparked on my shoulder, then and there I knew I had found him." She said to us

"That's so sweet I wish mine will be the same but I still haven't found them yet," Jas said to us, I just patted her shoulder and nodded my head.

"Yeah your not the only one. I just hope they are on the same continent as us." I said back to her and she nodded her

"True let's hope." She said back to me

"Alright, it's time for school girls." Mom said to us

"I'm working till 5 so your party will be at 6ish if you need anything till then your aunt and uncle will have a key as they are setting up for me, but till then stay at Jasmine's place and remember the girls can sleepover so tell them that." She added and I nodded my head.

I got my stuff and shoes and walked out to her car in her driveway, she lives next door. Once she unlocks the door I put my bag in the backseat and put my shoes on. We buckled up and were on our way to pick up Scarlett and Brooklyn, they are just like us. They live next to each other, and Jes usually parks on the road in between their house. After a bit they got in the back seat, moving our bags out of the way.

"So, have you heard anything yet?" Brook said to me. and I shook my head no

"Well don't worry too much, they are probably a few hours behind us. They must still be sleeping." She said back to me.

"We'll see but if I hear anything today I'll let you guys know in the chat. Also, my mom said that my party is around 6 and bring extra clothes it's going to be a sleepover." I told them as we were almost at school

Once we got into Jasmine's parking spot, seniors get a parking spot and we paint it how we like. She and I are seniors, but because I don't drive she said I could put some of me in the spot as well. As we were almost out of the parking lot I heard music, almost as if it was in my ears. I stopped and looked at the girls to see if they had their phones out and they didn't.

"Guys do you hear that?" I asked and they all said no

"Are you sure you're not playing any BTS songs?" I asked again, the girls are also into Kpop and we all listen to them.

"No, and if I was I would have told you guys," Brook said to us

"Constants I think that's your soulmate listening to them," Jasmine said to me and I froze once again

"Wait, what?" I said and she nodded her head knowing what I was thinking

"Omg, omg, we like the same music!" I said yelling loudly

"Calm down girl," Jasmine said to me making sure I don't explode.

"What song are they listening to?" Scarlett said to me

"Their new song Yet To Come," I told them back

"Do you think they heard you earlier?" Scarlett said to me and I just shrugged my shoulders

"Maybe you need to let them know again. Just in case they didn't hear the first time." Jasmine said to me and I nodded my head

"What should I play?" I asked them

"You like Namjoon, so play one of his songs," Scarlett said to me and I nodded my head

"Good idea, but should I wait till they are done listening to the song?" I asked them

"That's up to you girl," Jasmine said to me

"Maybe in a bit, I do like this song. Plus I don't want to disturb them if they are doing something important while listening to music." I said to them back.

"Girl just do it they will most likely be happy they can hear you." Jasmine said to me

I nodded my head because I knew she is right about that. So I took my earbuds out of my bag and played my k-pop playlists from Spotify, the first song that came up was Butter with Megan Thee Stallion. Though I'm listening to Butter I can still hear their other song, and that's probably bc I'm not blasting Butter in my ear.

I have one so I can hear the girls before we split for class, we are in the Cafeteria hanging out in our usual seats in the morning. I'm on the seat finishing up the last of the homework I couldn't do last night. Jasmine is doing who knows what, while the others are talking about a test in a class.

"Hey didn't you finish that last night?" Jas said to me, and I shook my head no

"Why not it was easy? Do you need help with the little you have left?" She asked me and I shook my head once again

"No, it's just one more question then I'm all yours," I said to her

She nodded her head and went back to talking to the others. Not too long after that I was done and was taking out my earbud. I then got a notification about a V-live from one or all of the boys.

"Guys, one or all of the boys is on V-live," I told them

Before I could say anything else the bell rang and it was time for first period. Jasmine and I said bye to the girls as we went to our class, sadly for me, it was math since I'm not a fan of math. As we were walking to class I could hear music in my ears. I knew it was my soulmate and all I could do was smile at it.

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