The bartender places the four drinks on the counter before walking away, "You remembered my drink." I smile.

"Know you well." He picks up the tray and starts heading back to the pool table.

He places the tray down before pulling out a sit for me. I thank him before sliding into the seat, scooting it a bit closer to the table.

"Citrine, tells me you two travel." Rio says, leaning back into the chair.

"Yeah, we're travel writers, so we go to different places, take pictures and write about the place." Ruby explains.

"We try to get Citrine to come with us, but she never does." Sapphire says, turning to me to send a look.

"I have the shop and for a while I didn't have any employees."

"What about you, Rio? What do you do?" Ruby asks.

"Own the bar." He nods. I know that Peri told them what Rio actually does, but they just nod.

"It looks great, I'm sure it gets a lot of a lot of traffic on the weekends." Sapphire compliments.

"Does a'ight." He nods. The bartender waves him over and he quickly excuses himself.

"Drop the shop and come with us." Sapphire pleads when he's out of earshot.

"It would be nice to see you more." Ruby agrees.

"I can't just leave. I would have to sell the store and what about Rio?"

"Bring him along." Sapphire says.

"He can't just up and leave either. He has a kid, who has a mom. And he has his own business."

"He could take a vacation, I'm sure his baby mama won't mind." Ruby says, Sapphy nodding in agreement.

I let out a sigh and look to the bar to see where Rio went off to. He's still talking to the bartender so I ask, "What do you guys think of him?"

"I like him for you. He's nice." Ruby smiles.

"He pulled your chair out for you when you guys came back from the bar, I like that. Never accept the bare minimum, sissy." Sapphire tells me.

"I love him." I whisper.

"AWWW!" They coo.

"Our sissy loves someone." Ruby reaches out for me, wrapping me in a hug.

Rio comes back over and asks the pair if they want to play pool, "You won't ban us when we kick your ass?" Ruby asks, grabbing a pool stick.

He laughs and says "Nah, we're cool."

"Yep, I like him." Sapphy laughs as the four of us exit the bar.

"You're just saying that because he didn't make you pay for all those drinks." I laugh along.

"No no, he's great. You're great." Ruby joins.

Poor Rio having to guide us to his car. He somehow herded us into it and begins driving us all back to my place.

"You know I'm not even THAT drunk." Ruby tries.

"Even I know that's bullshit and I'm drunker then you." Sapphy laughs.

I lean my head to the side of the seat to look at them in the back.

"Gonna hurt yourself, Darlin'." Rio says, maneuvering me back into place when we hit a stop light.

"Awwww." my sisters coo. 

I let out a giggle before moving again to lean onto Rio, "You're cute." 

He smiles, focusing on the road. 

"You two are fucking adorable." Ruby says. 

"Almost makes me want a man." Sapphire agrees. 

"I got a good one." my smile growing more.

Rio helps get us from the parking lot to my apartment. Sapphire and Ruby instantly calling dibs on my bed and go inside shutting the door behind them. 

"You could stay the night, if you want to." I wrap my arms around his waist. 

"Need to sleep this off, mama." he mutters, guiding me to the couch. 

"Could sleep it off with you, though." I plop down on the couch, arms still wrapped around him, burying my head into his hard stomach. 

"Lay down, Darlin'." he instructs and I comply, "Close your eyes." 

I close them and begin giggling. He places a blanket over me then leaning down to kiss my forehead, "Call ya tomorrow." 

"Wait!" I reach out and take a hold of his hand. "I'm sorry about tonight. It-it didn't go exactly as pl-planned. They can be a bad influence." 

"We're good, Darlin'." he lets his hand run on top of my head a couple times before saying "Love you." 

"I'm in love with you. Which is different from just loving you, in-in my opinion. I'm in love with you. And I-I've never said that to anyone be-before. But, it's how I feel for you." 

He smiles, rubbing my head a bit more before heading towards the door. I close my eyes again, and cuddle into the blanket. 

Ugh, no. Just no to everything, the sun, the birds, the traffic outside. It's a no from me. Who decided that work should start at 8 in the damn morning? I roll off the couch and crawl to the curtains yanking them closed. I make my way back to the couch and climb back on it, curling up with the blanket. 

My phone begins buzzing and I groan and reach out for it, "Hello?" I groan. 

"Hey, mama." 

"Rio?" I ask. 

"Ouch, expecting someone else?" 

"I don't even know my name right now." I huff. 

"Remember anything?"

"Not enough."

"Need anything?" 

"Ugh for all the traffic to disappear." I whine, yanking the covers back over my head.

"Sisters awake?" he chuckles.

"Probably not, they drank more than me. I'm just a light-weight." 

"Could have Mick drop off some breakfast."

"Oh my god Annie! Is she alright?" 

"Got dropped off this morning."

"Ugh, you're amazing. And breakfast sounds amazing, but I already owe you for all those drinks last night." 

"Nah, don't worry about it, Darlin'." 

"I love you." 

"Love you."

I hang up the phone, and the flashback hits me. I get off the couch and stumble to my room, pushing the door open with my body. I shake Ruby awake, who groans out "What happened?" 

"I told Rio I'm in love with him last night." 

"Oh, shit." 

The Flower Girl and the Gangster (Rio GG fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now