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She instantly walks over and sits in front of us, waiting for Rio to speak. I decided sitting back and just listening would be the best. 

"What's that?" he asks, placing a piece of sushi in his mouth.

She looks down at the four stacks and replies "Money." 

"No, it's not." he growls out. Oof, I don't know why, but the way he said it, just sends electricity through me. 

"yes, it is." she argues. 

"Not money I can use." he continues picking around the plate.

she thinks of her response for a slight moment, "Oh, we had to change the formula." 

"Change it back." he demands.

"That's not possible." she explains.

Rio sets down the chopstick and folds his hands together, closing his eyes as he sighs, "You know, I've been thinking about this, uh, relationship of ours. Lot of issues, you and me."

"I don't disagree."

"Cut you in, that didn't work. Gun to your head, nothing." he sits up "I don't know how to incentivize you anymore. So..." 

Mick comes over with a parcel, handing it to Beth.

"Open it." Rio instructs. 

Beth slowly peaks into the package before saying "I don't get it." 

I'm sitting here wondering the hell is in that thing.

"Take it out." he says. 

"I don't want to." she says, looking to me for help.

"We got another job for you." he offers.

"Well whatever it is, I don't want to do it." 

Rio mocks her with Mick before demanding "Take it out, Elizabeth."

She reaches in pulling the item out, which was a gun. 

"Oh, shit." I whisper. 

Rio seems satisfied before speaking again "Maybe you're right. I'm the problem." 

Mick appears to be trying not to laugh, while Beth still looks confused as do I. 

"Go ahead and finish me off. If you wanna." he suggests. My eyes go wide as I snap my head towards him. 

She looks between the three and I try to slyly shake my head to her. The two just stare at her with no expression. She slowly places the gun on the table and slides it towards Rio, "We're good." she whispers. 

Rio doesn't move for a second, "Cool." he picks up a single chopstick, placing it in the barrel of the gun and lifting it, placing it back into the parcel. Mick immediately walks away with it in hand, "That's what he used to take care of your friend, by the way." 

"Why?" she gasps. My jaw dropped.

"Incentive." he smiles towards her. 

Beth looks as shocked as I'm sure I looked. 

He begins to try to use the chopstick again, but I quickly snatch it from him and give him one of mine. 

"Dude, that was...wow." I say, after Beth left. 

"The gun wasn't loaded, Darlin'." he insists. 

"No, not that. Well, yes that, like damn. But, oof where did Mick go?" I ask. 


"Will he back soon?" I ask, sitting on my legs. 

"Nah, whatchu thinking?" he smirks. 

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