25 - Black Prince

Start from the beginning

"Sleep here," the luna snarls to me, shooting Amber a harsh look that seems to surprise the other female. The luna pushes me again, towards a bare corner of the room.

"Not even a blanket?" I ask, letting my surprise color my voice. As intended, when I say the word, 'blanket' both Amber and the luna bare their teeth at me. My she-wolf chuffs quietly, amused at poking at these two females. When she gets her guards and her mate back-

I cut her off, blocking her from my thoughts as much as I can. A dangerous road, I remind her.

"Here, omega," Tivo casually tosses me a blanket, similar to the one he 'stole' from his mother. I take it without another glance and go to the corner.

"I'm going to wash up," Amber announces. "Tiv, join me?"

The golden couple shuffles into the bathroom together. I hear the sounds of fucking moments later. The luna screws her face up in an expression of distaste before looking at me. "You will stay here," she snaps. "Don't disrupt the couple."

Right. Wasn't planning to. I turn my back and make up my blanket on the floor. Before Gavin I would have wrapped myself up in it like a cocoon, praying silently for the thin material to protect me. Now I just make a mattress for myself. I need to be able to move freely. No thin material will save my life if Amber attacks me.

Tivo and Amber return. He looks relaxed and she looks satisfied. His eyes dart to me straight away. I don't look back. Let him think I'm upset. Amber's presence here tonight is a blessing in disguise.

I curl up as the couple settles on the bed. I listen to Amber giggle until Tivo hushes her sternly, telling her to let me sleep. Ha, she doesn't like that, does she?

I fall asleep praying that the Knowing stays away, and thinking of a pair of golden eyes, despite my best efforts to stop.

I hate the bars on this cage. Ferociously I bite at them. My entire body thrashes as I throw my weight behind the attack.

Nothing. Not a scratch.

The flames are all around me, burning ever higher. The bars are turning red from the heat. I release the bars and chitter angrily. It's too hot. I'm having trouble breathing. Hissing fills the air. I look out at the silver serpents as they slither by. Pressing my nose between the bars, I chatter again, more softly. Wolves race past the cage, dark shadows in the smoke.

The black wolf approaches with his teeth bared and his eyes dark. I chitter angrily, loudly upset at my imprisonment. He leans over and knocks over my cage. The door springs open. Free, I lung forward and nip his nose in reprimand. Serves him right for being late.

My black wolf draws back in surprise. The flames dance off those black orbs, reflecting a demonic red instead of molten gold.

"Wake up, omega," Tivo's voice pulls me from the Knowing. "You dreamt," he says with pleasure in his voice.

I almost deny it. My mouth falls open, a denial hovering on my tongue. I bite it back. I'm shivering. Cold, miserable, exhausted. Lethargy pulls at every part of my body. I'm completely vulnerable like this. I couldn't fight off a... a... squirrel. It's obvious that I've been in the Knowing.

"Flames. War," I rasp out. "Snakes in the grass."

That sounds very ominous but vague, right? When Tivo frowns down at me I shiver, but not from the cold. I can tell he doesn't buy my story.

Gavin told me that alphas can sense their omega's emotions, even their thoughts. Tivo is meant to be my mate. I've never lied to him before. I have to tread carefully. I haven't told him about Gavin or my crazy dreams yet.

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