
Depuis le début

I shook my head. "Hayley didn't go willingly. She was knocked out and taken. I wasn't knocked out cold for an hour for nothing."

Three hours stuck in the car with Klaus and Elijah was not fun at all. They bicker constantly. Worse than Damon and Stefan ever did.

It was mainly Klaus poking fun at Elijah for having feelings for Hayley. Elijah was quick to remind him that he welcomed me with open arms.

We got out of the car and Klaus smelled around the area.

"Have you found her scent?" Elijah asked him.

Klaus' eyes went killer. "No...but I found someone else's."

He then went on a hunt for something. Elijah and I followed close behind. Then, we found a truck. Klaus looked inside and pulled clothes out.

"This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of- Tyler Lockwood." Klaus muttered.

No. No. God, no, this is not happening.

"Any why would your little hybrid sidekick from Mystic Falls have any interest in Hayley?" Elijah asked.

"He wants revenge." Klaus replied. That's putting it lightly.

"For what, dare I ask?" Elijah then asked.

"You want the long version or the condensed list?" I questioned.

Elijah sighed and rubbed his head.

"Back when I had the means to sire hybrids, he was my first. Although, I didn't give him much choice in the matter. He was loyal in the beginning, but he grew insubordinate, turned my other hybrids against me. I couldn't have that. So I massacred the lot of them. Tyler ran like a coward before I could finish him off." Klaus went on.

"Anything else that you would like to share?" Elijah asked. Klaus left out the best part.

"Well, there was this business with his mother." I said and glared at Klaus.

Elijah's eyes fell and looked to Klaus. "You killed his mother. Wonderful."

"He needed to be taught a lesson." Klaus tried to defend himself.

"And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliates by harming Hayley? It's not just Hayley who would be hurt. It would be August and your child." Elijah went on.

"I'll kill Tyler Lockwood myself." Klaus replied. With that, he sped off leaving Elijah and I to trudge through the woods.

As we were walking, I felt this sharp pain in my stomach. I yelped and fell to the ground. It was even worse because I didn't expect it.

Klaus had to have heard me because he rushed from wherever he was to my side.

"What is it?" He asked frantically.

I lifted my shirt to reveal that my stomach was bleeding. That can't be good. We shared a worried glance. Hayley, where the hell are you?

We managed to get up and start walking again. Not even five minute onto our trail, I felt my neck start to burn. I screamed, it was so intense.

My hand went to my neck to see profuse amounts of blood. Moments later, it was healed. That baby is working overtime to save our asses.

This time, we all took off in a hurry. We need to find Hayley before something horrible happens. Elijah went in one direction and Klaus and I went in the other.

Klaus held his head up in the air. "We're close." He whispered.

We went a little farther to see Tyler looking under sheets and tarps. Probably looking for Hayley. God, I can't believe this. If I didn't like him before, I certainly don't now.

[𝟐] 𝙜𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣- 𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant