"How'd that happen, Lou?" You question the boy as his mother, Rhea, ushers him inside.

Lou seems content with staying quiet until Rhea gives him a look. He huffs and shakes his head, knowing there was no getting out of it.

"I tried to ride the speeder bike again." He mutters.

"By himself." Rhea adds in a sharp tone. "I thought I made it clear that you are not to ride that bike unless your father is with you!"

"But he's never home! I'm ten years old, I can ride by myself!" Lou retorts.

You bring them into a sitting area located just off the side of the dining room, where they should be out of sight. A chuckle escapes as you listen to them bicker. It reminds you of the way you used to argue with your mother as a young boy.

"I'd listen to your mother if I were you." You say once you return with your medkit. "I did stupid things when I was a boy too and learned pretty quickly that I wasn't as indestructible as I thought I was."

"Did you try to ride a speeder bike too?" Lou curiously inquires.

You smile, pleased that your distraction was working. He doesn't even notice you numbing the area around his wound as you prepare to clean and stitch it up.

"Yes I did, except I chose to sneak out at night. It's hard to drive when you can't see anything." You joke around, focusing on wiping the blood from Lou's skin. "Long story short, I broke my arm and never snuck out again."

To make sure Lou stayed calm, you kept the conversation going so he'd be focused on something else. Occasionally Rhea would chime in, but she was quiet for the most part. It took five stitches to close the wound, which was a walk in the park for you.

As you pack up your medkit, Lou's gaze wanders over to the doorway. To his surprise, what looks to be a little gremlin runs by while giggling.

"Mom, look!" He cries, pointing at the creature.

Your head snaps up as you hear a few hushed curses as well as hasty footsteps coming down the hall. Din comes into view and manages to catch the child before he can run any further, but now he stands awkwardly in the doorway as Rhea and Lou stare in utter shock.

"Di—" You catch yourself before Din's name can escape through your lips.

"Who is this?" Rhea asks once she gets over her initial shock. "One of your patients?"

You wrack your brain for a suitable answer. "Yeah." The word practically forces its way out. "I took him in a few days ago."

Din dips his head in greeting as he pulls the child to his chest. The little shit is still giggling, like he knew what he did was wrong and would do it again in a heartbeat.

"A Mandalorian... I've only heard the stories." Rhea says, her gaze lingering on Din's helmet before she looks him up and down. "I think I've seen that shirt before. Is he wearing your clothes?"

Based on the look she gives you as she says that, you know she's thinking that the situation implied something else. Although it wasn't true, a small part of you wished it was.

"I-I'm repairing something for him, so I thought that would be a suitable solution." You manage to say without stuttering too much, though you cannot control the nervous quiver in your voice.

She doesn't look convinced, but continues anyway. "And what exactly is... that?" She gestures to the child with an expression of slight disgust.

Fuck. How am I going to explain that one?

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