His eyes bulge, "you're serious about this?"

Grabbing my bag from him, I look behind him, making sure Aaron doesn't pop up. "Yeah, I don't want your parents to think I'm being disrespectful."

Parker leans forward, pressing his mouth to mine quickly, "I'm only letting you win this because we have to leave soon."

I peck his lips again, smiling, "this is why I like you."

"Like," he mumbles, taking my bag once again and bringing it in the opposite direction to the guest room.

My eyebrows furrow as I stare at his back, trying to figure out what he meant by that.

"Dakota, you know Harper and I love you, but you need to change."

Aaron and Parker have been giving me the stink eye since I came into the kitchen wearing my Tampa Bay Lightning jersey. But listen, I bought tickets to this specific game so that I could wear it.

"I love you both, too, but I can't do that," I laugh at him, walking over to Parker who dodges me.

"Traitor," he whispers, shuddering.

I roll my eyes at him, "I'll just go by myself then."

"No!" He comes back to me, picking me up bridal style and walking towards the front door, "Dad, we're leaving!"

"Wait," Aaron comes over with a pen and paper. "If you don't mind, Dakota, Harper and I would really like for you to make cookies and stuff for the family tomorrow. We can run to the store tonight to get everything you need."

My feet hit the floor and I grab the paper from his hands. "I'd be happy to," I quickly use Parker's back as a table, jotting down everything I need for some of my favorite recipes.

We're out the door minutes later, and the entire drive, Parker points out all of his favorite places to me. Looking at him light up, I have the strongest urge to tell him that I love him, but I manage to keep it inside, wanting to wait a little longer.


If I thought Parker was aggressive on the ice, I was very wrong. He's on his feet with me after every missed goal, and even accidentally threw popcorn a few minutes ago.

During warmups, we came to a truce, deciding to cheer on both teams together. It probably helped that we couldn't stop fangirling whenever a player came near us, even more, when they'd glance in our direction.

Our tickets are next to the Lightning's penalty box, and I start bouncing in my seat when I notice Anthony Cirelli coming over after a fight. Parker chuckles at my reaction, knowing he's my favorite player, coincidentally, also the one whose jersey I'm wearing.

Not even thirty seconds into the penalty, his gloved hand knocks on the glass, getting my attention.

Nice jersey, he mouths, winking while tugging on his own.

My jaw drops, and I feel my face start to heat up. Parker obviously noticed the interaction, because I hear him choke on his beer behind me.

Right before the penalty ends, Cirelli stands and throws a puck over the glass and into my lap. When I realize that it's signed, I start laughing just as Parker whispers a low, what the fuck.

Over the rest of the period, any time 71 hits the ice, Parker's arm moves from my lap to my shoulders, making it obvious that we were together. The boy even convinced a camera guy to put us on the screen during the kiss cam so he could stake his claim.

"Parker Elliot, are you jealous?" I smirk at him.

"Me, jealous? Never, baby," he kisses my forehead.

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