Chapter 6

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Lan Xichen was just observing the change of the situation in the infirmary and felt strangely detached from it all. It was not that he did not understand what Wei Wuxian was trying to do, after all, it was now universally known what he had sacrificed for Jiang Cheng and why he had become a demonic cultivator in the first place. Lan Xichen could just not grasp him willingly wanting to go through the same ordeal for a second time.

But then again, he could relay. He had just lost his sworn brother, someone he cared deeply about, perhaps even more than for a brother. He would not wish that kind of pain to anyone. And somehow, deep down in his heart, he understood Wei Wuxian's urgency to do everything in his might to keep his most precious person alive.

However, the cost he would have to pay would be tremendous. He could not even imagine entertaining the idea of losing his golden core, even worse, of having it removed in a painful and agonizing way if he had heard Wen Ning right. It was clear that he should not be able to offer himself instead. Lan Qiren had tried and had been turned down. In his current state of mind, Lan Xichen already knew he would not be able to do anything.

That only left Wei Wuxian's newly developed golden core as the sole possible means of saving Lan Wangji. Lan Xichen was torn: he was not sure if he should rather watch the efforts to save his brother and face his disappointment and pain of hurting or even losing a loved one or if he should let Lan Wangji die and see Wei Wuxian alive but withering away. Both were terrible options and he did not like either of them.

On the other hand, did they even have a choice? He himself had been thinking of following Jin Guangyao after the events of the Guanyin temple. He would have if he did not have a family to support him and to draw him back from his painful and remorseful seclusion. Moreover, he had worked hard at himself that his sworn brother had actually not been much of a good person; just one more reason to help him partly let go of his grief just a little faster.

Wei Wuxian though would not have these arguments to keep on living without Lan Wangji. It had been made clear shortly after his resurrection that those two simply could not be parted one from another. Lan Wangji really seemed like the centre of the world for Wei Wuxian, and vice versa. If one died or crippled himself saving the other, of course, the other would want to follow their fate. They were soulmates and husbands after all.

And look where it brought them. To the point when they had to choose if they would die together or have Wei Wuxian once again go through the torment of having his golden core removed, just for the small odd chance he would be able to save his beloved. The former demonic cultivator did not look like he would let himself be talked out of his determination either.

Lan Xichen sighed and massaged the root of his nose. There was really no easy way out of this. Wei Wuxian had already decided and it was not like they were really going to stop him. Not when both Lan Wangji's and his own life were on the line. What a situation really.

It could be that Wei Wuxian did just not see any other way out, or because he still had demonic cultivation to fall back on after he would become a normal person but he looked very calm and his sad smile spoke volumes about his stand in the matter. He was ready. No, more like he had made peace with himself and accepted the consequences of his choice. No one could after all know them better than he himself.

It was not Lan Xichen's place, or anyone else's for that matter, to be stopping him.

Lan Xichen sighed again and then straightened his sagged shoulders. He should at least honour Wei Wuxian's sacrifice with support. Perhaps it would be a little bit easier for him if he knew that people were not going to condemn him like they had in the past. He would still be the husband of the Chief Cultivator and a part of the Gusu Lan clan if both of them survived this. And even if they did not, at least their memorial tablets would rest in the Ancestral Hall side by side. Lan Xichen would make sure of that.

"Young Master Wei, I understand. Thank you for your determination in saving my brother. We are indebted to you."

That was the least what Lan Xichen could say at this point. There was no time left for grand speeches and big words. As he had been talking, he had stepped closer to Wei Wuxian and now he patted his shoulder as a reassurance that he was on his side. It was on the equal measure also encouragement that he was pretty sure the former – and also future as he would have no choice but to revert back to the only form of cultivation he would be left with – demonic cultivator needed.

Wei Wuxian's tired and sad eyes squinted into small crescents as he smiled a little wider, visibly thankful for Lan Xichen's acceptance and support. This made him look a lot older for some reason, as if he had suddenly aged of a decade or two, not like a barely grown-up teenager whose body he was currently occupying. But his eyes spoke volumes, he was ready and would not let anyone convince him not to go through with this. It was sad, but it was the reality.

Lan Xichen did his best to smile back, accepting the young man's choice. He squeezed his shoulder one last time and then turned towards Wen Ning. The fierce corpse stood in the middle of the infirmary, completely rigid, but very visibly still against the whole idea of what Wei Wuxian was asking of him.

Poor Wen Ning, he would have to take upon himself the burden of carrying out everything. There was no one else who had ever even heard about the core transfer procedure up until this day. They all only knew that it had taken place once in the past but no details were known. It was Wen Ning's expertise which could make this happen.

Lan Xichen was really pitying him; he would not like to stand in his shoes now. It was scary even imagining that it could be one slip of his hand – and the fierce corpse had a hard time with fine movements, he knew that – which could end the lives of not one but two people.

He joined his hands in front of him and bowed deep to the former member of the Wen sect. Lan Qiren and Wei Wuxian followed his example.

"Young Master Wen, please, help save the life of my brother and of Young Master Wei."

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