Chapter 5

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At first, Lan Qiren had no idea what Wei Wuxian was talking about. If there was indeed a way to save Lan Wangji, he should have told them from the beginning. Why drag the slow agony for this long? It was however only after he had brought in Wen Ning that the explanation was finally coming together.

Leave it to Wei Wuxian to always plan something foolish and stubbornly want to go through with it. But this was way over the top of everything Lan Qiren would ever expect from him!

"Wei Wuxian," he jumped up from his chair, suddenly realizing that his knees were once again under his full control. He was enraged by the young man's audacity. "What are you even talking about? Do you think that Wangji would thank you after waking up? He would be devasted knowing that you have sacrificed yourself for him."

As angry and shocked as Lan Qiren was, he was awed at the same time. He could not imagine himself wanting to give up his own golden core. He knew that Wei Wuxian had already lived through being mediocre once and it had in the end cost him his life.

Had it not been hard? Had it not been scary to suddenly not be able to manipulate spiritual energy the way he had been used to from a young age? Had it not felt awful to be slandered because of his good will and eagerness to help his brother?

Lan Qiren was not sure if he would be able to do it. Especially not after knowing what exactly he would lose, like Wei Wuxian did now.

However, since he had only a vague idea, and he was already nearing the end of his life anyway, he should be the one. He owed it to his younger nephew he had wronged him too much in the past, he had to save him no matter what. Now that there was a possible cure, he should be a responsible elder and offer his golden core instead of letting Wei Wuxian sacrifice the future of his second life.

Yes, he should be the one to be sitting on that bed, preparing himself for the core removal. There was not even a single doubt in his mind that now when there was a possible cure, they would not try it.

He cleared his throat and joined his hands in front of his stomach, giving himself courage and at the same time, hiding their slight tremor. He was only now realizing all the implications of this only way how to save Lan Wangji, most probably still not seeing the whole picture in a way Wei Wuxian could. And he was already terrified with just what his mind managed to come up with in such a short time.

He could not understand why Wei Wuxian could stay so calm while asking, begging even, to have his precious golden core removed. His mind was plagued by thoughts about what he would lose once he opened his mouth and suggested having his golden core used as the medicine for the poison. After all, had Lan Wangji not been hurt because Lan Qiren had been too stubborn about accepting Wei Wuxian? It was his duty to save his nephew by any means necessary.

"Then let me be the donor," he finally managed to get the words through his lips.

This single phrase effectively attracted the attention of everyone in the room to him. He suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Especially Wei Wuxian's eyes and expression were making him perplexed. The young man's face was suddenly so much gentler and softer when he looked at him. There was a sad smile on his lips as well. Lan Qiren was confused.

"Master Lan," Wei Wuxian said in a low-key voice, not unkindly, "that would not do."

Lan Qiren scowled. Was the former demonic cultivator telling him that he was not qualified to save his nephew?

"Master Lan, it is indeed as Young Master Wei is saying." This time, it was the fierce corpse who spoke, also his voice was soft and kind, but saddened at the same time.

"Why?" was the only thing Lan Qiren managed to ask. It did not seem like the two men were making fun of him or discrediting his offer just because. He wanted to know why he could not be the one.

Wen Ning turned fully in his direction, his eyes and voice even softer than before. It was quite in contrast with his unmoving expression, not that Lan Qiren paid any attention to it at that moment.

"Master Lan, the donor must want to give his golden core freely and with all his heart. If there is even a single doubtful going thought their minds, if they are not fully dedicated to the one to whom they are giving everything they have, the golden core would dissipate when it will be taken out. They would have to endure extreme pain for two days and never, not even for a split second, regret their decision to give up their cultivation for the receiver."

Wen Ning stopped talking at that point, mercifully sparing Lan Qiren the question he had been expecting. 'Can you do it?'

And he knew he could not. Although he truly wanted to save his nephew, he was not ready to give up cultivation just like that. It had been his whole life, how could he part with it this suddenly? There would definitely be doubts left in him, there already were even as they spoke.

"See, Master Lan? It has to be me. I do not mind dying for Lan Zhan and I do not wish to live without him. I have no regrets." Wei Wuxian still had that sad smile. His eyes were tired and full of grief again. "Even if this does not work, I would at least know I have tried my best before following Lan Zhan."

It was then that Lan Qiren understood fully. Even if he wanted to help, to spare Wei Wuxian even more pain and to conserve his future for him – gods knew that the man did not have to go through the same torment twice, he did not deserve it – he also knew that he could not help in this instance. He felt old and powerless. He failed his nephew once again.

With a long and painful sigh, he conceded: "I understand, Wei Wuxian."

He understood, yes. He knew why the former demonic cultivator wanted to, no, needed to do this. And he did not want him to live with regrets for the rest of his life. It would not truly not be called living even if they managed to stop him from killing himself after Lan Wangji's death. Lan Qiren knew it only too well, had his brother not lived through something very similar because of his wife's passing? He would not wish that kind of torment to anyone.

With a heavy heart, he stepped down and took place in his chair once more. He could not stop Wei Wuxian, not with a clear conscience. He also wanted dearly to save Lan Wangji, there was no time for experiments or placating his own hurt pride. If this worked, they would have to explain things his nephew after he woke up and face his anger then. But it was better than him never waking up again.

Lan Qiren lowered his head and gritted his teeth. He could at least stay here and see things through together with Wei Wuxian. That was the least he could do to support him in this extremely hard choice of his.

He decided on the spot that if the procedure worked, he would never say a single bad word about the former demonic cultivator and would let him join the Gusu Lan sect clan by marriage. He owed Wei Wuxian so much already, just for the willingness to save his nephew. No matter what would be the final outcome, Lan Qiren felt all his negative feelings regarding the young man dissipating.

He had never seen anyone with such a big heart and so deep devotion to his loved ones. He felt somewhat ashamed when looking at him even, Wei Wuxian was a much bigger man than he himself would ever be.

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