Chapter 14 : Hero names

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Door opens

???: There be hell to pay later what you pick today could be stuck with you for life so don't pick something indecent

Class 1-A : Midnight

Aizawa: midnight is gonna have final approval of your names this isn't my scene

They then started handing out white boards while aizawa went to sleep in he's sleeping bag

After a few minutes

Midnight: Now students who amongst you is presenting your name first ?

(Y/N) pov

The first person to present their name was aoyama with I can not stop twinkling ? I mean seriously dude how'd you come up with that midnight actually approved of it though she just made him shorten it to can't stop twinkling after aoyama it was mina she picked alien queen which midnight did not approve of in the slightest next up was Tsu who finally gave us a proper name she decided to go with froppy which everyone thought was a good choice. Kirishima went with Red riot which I thought was pretty cool jiro called herself earphone jack which makes sense I guess. Shoji called himself tentacole while sero went with cellophane. Ojiro picked tailman I got remember to ask this guy to spar some time sato used sugar man mina finally came up with a name midnight was alright with which was pinky kaminari had picked chargebolt . Hagakure picked invisible girl guess I should of seen that one coming, Momo had picked creati creative to say the least. Todoroki had just picked shoto I mean I didn't put much effort into myne either but I'm sure he could've tried harder. Tokoyami had picked Tsukuyomi wasn't that one of Itachi's moves in Naruto ? And the little grape had picked grape juice. Bakugo had picked king explosion murder he does know we're picking hero names not villain names right ? Uraraka had decided on uravity. midnight had called me up to say myne. Well I never really gave hero names much thought but this is what I decided on the fighting hero shock wave everyone thought it was a pretty cool name so I guess I'm happy with it. Tenya decided to just use he's first name also jeez did Todoroki just start some kinda trend ? Midoriya had decided to use Deku he said someone taught it could have a different meaning. Bakugo was now the only one left and he went with Lord explosion murder which was basically the same as he's last. After all that Aizawa started talking about the internships

Aizawa: Now that everyone decided on names we can talk about the internships they'll last one week as for who you'll be working with those of you who were on the board will choose from among your offers everyone else will have a different list. Remember each agency as its own specialty so keep that in mind when your making your choice

Midnight: Imagine you were thirteen you'd want to pick a place that focuses on rescuing over fighting understand ?

Aizawa: Think carefully before you decide

Class 1-A: Yes sir !

Kirishima: oh man I want to fight crime and bad guys in a big city

Tsu: I'm just hoping I can intern somewhere there's alot of flooding

Aizawa: Turn in your choices by the weeks end

Sero: So we only got two days ?

Aizawa: Yeah so you should start now


Mina: so guys have you decided what pro agency you wanna go for ?

Mineta: Mt lady is my top choice

(Y/N): Not for a good reason though

Tsu: Mineta are you gonna are you thinking something perverted ?

Akaza of U.A High (BNHA X MALE READER )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon