*Time-skip to when he's at the school*

I walked over too the school gate where the table was. I saw Sai and Christian was already there. I made a handshake with both of them and sat down. Imorgen and Nick wasn't here for some reason, but i didn't think much about it. 2 minutes later Eliot showed up at the table. "Hey mate" I said. "Hi" He said with a smile. "This is Sai and Christian" I said laying my arm on Sai's shoulder. "Hey..." Eliot said sounding nervous. "Nice to meet you mate" Sai said smiling. Christian walked over and made a handshake with Eliot. Eliot didn't seem very comfortable So I decided to say something. "What are you listening to?" I said laughing. "Umm... Why am I like this" he said looking down at his feet's. "I've never heard of that song" Christian said. "Me too" I said taking a step closer to Christian. Then the school bell ringed. "Already?!?" Is said letting out a little laugh. Me, Sai and Christian stared to walk. I stopped and so did Sai and Christian. I turned around, Eliot was looking at us. "Aren't you coming mate?" I shouted. He smiled as he walked towards us. We walked into the school.

(In this story both girls and boys are allowed in the Truham Grammar school)

Eliot's pov:
When I was standing in the hallway I didn't know where to go. A group of girls were chatting in a corner and I decided to ask them where my class was. At first they looked at me like I was the crazy or something but then the girls started to smile and pointed a direction. "Thanks" I said smiling. As I walked of I could here one of them say "omg he was kinda cuteee". "Lol" I thought to myself as I walked into the class. Not many people were there yet. I walked up the the teacher and he started to talk to me. "Hey Eliot!! It's great that you're here" yeah.." I laughed a little. It was so awkward. Then I could hear someone walk into the class. They were talking pretty loudly but it stopped after a bit. I could feel so many eyes on me. "Let me see.." the teacher said suddenly. I looked at him and he pointed at a guy's table. "You can go sit next too him" he said and I nodded. I turned around and walked towards his table. He looked at me as I sat down. I turned to look at him. "I'm.. Eliot" I said. "Harry" he replied. But then the teacher cut us of and started talking. The class was so boring. I could feel some people were still staring at me. I didn't wanted to look at them so I just kept looking at the teacher pretending to listen. After the class the break came. Harry stood up and walked over to some guy's table and another guy walked over to them as well. It's probably his friends. I didn't really knew anyone so I just took one of my AirPods in and started to listen to some music. I've must have zoned out or something like that cause suddenly Harry was sitting next to me again. He cleared his throat and I looked at him. "Hey" he said. "Hi.." I said but I sounded so nervous. "You just moved here right?" He continued. "Ummm... yeah" I said smiling a little. "What are you listening to?" He said while pointing at my AirPod. "Caught their eyes" I said. "What really!!?" "That's my favorite song" He said while laughing. "I love that song as well" I said. I looked at him. He had the prettiest smile ever. "Why did you move here?" He said after a bit. "My old school was pretty shit. And I just have heard so much about this place I just thought why not" I said, laughing a bit. I still sounded so nervous tho which pissed me off. Then the bell ringed and the break was over. A new class began. The rest of the school day was super boring. When school was over I immediately started to pack my bag. "Hey mate" Harry said suddenly too me. "Hey.." I looked at him. "Wanna hang out before school starts tomorrow?" He said. My heart started to beat really fast. A cute boy was asking me to hangout before school starts tomorrow!! "Ummm.. sure" I said but I sounded nervous as usual. It literally pisses me off. "Meet me at the lunch table, at the school gate" he said. "What clock.." I said back. "I'm normally there around like 7:50 or something" He said with a smirk. His smirk made my heart beat even faster. "Okay I'll be there!" I tried my best not to sound nervous. Then I took my bag and left, smiling. God I was so excited!! I started to walk home. When I came home I walked inside and shouted "I'M HOME" as I rushed into my room jumping on my bed. I took out my phone and started texting my best friend Walter. He had always been by my side since we were little. "HEY! OKAY SO THERE'S THIS GUY" I texted him very excited hoping he would answer fast. He replied back really fast! His massage said "IM LISTENING!". I explained everything. From me and Harry's first talk to him inviting me to hangout before school starts. "TELL ME HOW EVERYTHING WENT, WHEN YOU GET HOME TOMORROW YOU GAY BITCH" he replied back. I laughed. "OKAY" I replied. I closed my phone and just stared into the air for a bit. Then my mom shouted my name and said there was dinner. After dinner I took a bath and watched my favorite series until I felt asleep. The next morning I got woken up by my little sister running into my room. "There's breakfast!" She said. "Give me 5 minutes" I say in my morning voice. "Ok!" She said and walked out not closing the door after her. "Bruh" I said and stood up to close the door. I got dressed and sat my hair and walked out to eat breakfast. "Hey sweetie" my mom said. "Hi" I said still a little tired. I ate my breakfast and checked the clock "7:45" SHIT! I was running late to meet Harry. In a rush I walked out taking my shoes on. "Bye mom" I shouted before I closed the door. I walked to the school hoping not too be that late. When I came Harry was sitting with the two guys he sat with at the break yesterday. I felt a little anxious as I walked up too them. "Hey mate" Harry said when I reached them. "Hi" I said with a smile. "This is Sai and Christian" Harry said laying his arm on Sai's shoulder. "Hey..." I said sounding nervous. "Nice to meet you mate" Sai said smiling. Christian walked over to me and made a handshake with me. I felt so anxious and not comfortable. Then Harry broke the silence. "What are you listening to?" He said, laughing. "Umm... Why am I like this" I said looking down at my feet. This was so embarrassing and awkward. What if they'll think I'm weird? "I've never heard of that song" Christian said. "Me too" Harry said taking a step closer to Christian. Then the school bell ringed. "Already?!?" Harry said letting out a little laugh. Harry, Sai and Christian stared to walk. I just kept standing there looking at my feet. God this was awkward. Then I finally looked up. But then suddenly Harry stopped and so did Sai and Christian. Harry turned around "Aren't you coming mate?" He shouted. I started to smile as I walked towards them. We all walked into the school together.

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