Chapter 6

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       The church bell rang as we stood in front of it. " Santa Maria del Pi. Saint Mary of the Pine." My dad looked pleasantly surprised. "This has to be it." He breathed, pulling out the captain's journal. " You might just be a genius." He complimented. " 'Genius' is a stretch." Chloe replied, still frustrated that she needed our help. Nate looked at her in slight disbelief. " Oh yeah?" I asked, grabbing the journal from my dad. " Look at that." I said showing her the picture of the pine tree. " Now you know why we brought him."
       " Hmm." Chloe hummed, comparing the trees. " Okay. Good work." Nathan looked at her with a smug smile. " I'll go see when we might have a private look inside." She said, walking off towards the nun at the door. Nathan watched her walk away, smiling slightly. " Woah, woah, woah. Don't even think about it." My dad said sternly. " What?" Nathan asked innocently. " Well, you don't catch on very quick, do you? She's not to be trusted." My dad explained. " You met her for two minutes, she already stole the cross from you." Nathan nodded. " She's coming back."
       " There's a midnight mass tonight. So tomorrow's the earliest we can poke around." She informed us. " You got our gear at the house, right?" My dad asked. " Yeah. Come one." She replied.


       We pulled up to the house, sliding out of the car with our stuff. We walked inside, sitting down on one of the many couches. " I found my cross in a crypt in Genoa, but I didn't know it was a key to a much bigger fortune. Sully knew." My dad smiled slightly. " Doesn't say what happens after we turned the keys." Chloe said. " ' Trust in your fellow man for one will got to heaven and the other hell.' " She read. " Well, it's ironic, seeing as the only point in having two keys was that the 18 didn't trust each other."
       He said while handing each of us a glass of wine. " Well, good thing they didn't, or we wouldn't be here, right?" My dad replied in his usual ' Sully fashion'. " Like one big happy family." He said, staring pointedly at Chloe. " Toast?" He asked, standing up. " All right. Arriba, abajo, al centro y pa' dentro."  Nathan waved his glass around confused, before taking a sip. " Hey kid, slow down. That's a vintage rioja, all right?" My dad demanded as Nathan started to chug his. " You might want to just taste it, savor it. Or chug it down like you're on spring break. All good." A few bottles later we were spread across the couches. Nate and I were the only ones not completely drunk.
       " I'm onto you, you know?" Chloe asked, directing the question at my dad. " Sully." M'y dad looked up. " What?" He questioned, squinting in the light. " He's Sam's brother, isn't he?" She asked. " Oh, wow, you cracked the case. Great job." He said sarcastically. " Does he know what happened? Do either of them know what happened?" She asked. I was confused. What does she mean? I though to myself. " Not yet. I-I'm gonna tell them." He replied. " When?" She asked. " Who's still thirsty?" Nathan asked walking back into the room with another bottle. I walked in shortly after, coming back from the 'bathroom'. " I found another bottle of red." He chimed.
       " Hey kid, do you think she's okay?" He asked suddenly. " Who?" Nate and I asked at the same time. " My cat." He replied. " You have a cat?" Chloe questioned, confused. " The man from the app said he was gonna feed her, but he didn't text me back yet." He continued. " I don't know what's cuter... your concern or the fact that you just said ' the man from the app'." Nathan said with a chuckle. My dad scoffed.  " Stop." He complained, turning away with a sigh.


       We walked into the church and I noticed a nun walking around in the front. " Oh, great." Nathan whispered. " Nuns. Why's it always got to be nuns." He asked. " All right, let's just split up and figure out where the keys go, huh?" My dad asked. " Okay."  Nathan responded in a whisper. We all went different ways, searching the entirety of the church. " Hey, Sully." I heard Nathan say quietly. " What?" My dad asked exasperatedly. " Nothing." Nathan replied, turning back towards the postcard rack.
       " Hey guys." My dad said, moving one of the benches. " Come here. Look." He quipped, staring at an engraving in the floor. " J, S, E." Chloe read. " Juan Sebastian Elcano." I finished. " The 18 were here all right." My dad said. " Look. If that's the cathedral, then these must be the stairs, and they lead, that way." He said pointing towards one corner of the church.
       We quickly walked down the stairs and into a small room. We all looked around for any clues. " Thoughts, altar boy?" Chloe's asked. " 'Caelum.' That's, um, Latin for 'heaven'. Says in the journal, ' Trust in your fellow man, for one shall go to heaven and the other to hell.' So it'd heaven's up there, then hell has to be around here somewhere. I hope. " He finished. We continued to look around the small room.
       " Hey, I got a skeleton with angel wings." Nathan stated. " That's kinda between heaven and hell, right?" He pushed on the engraving, sinking it into the stone around it. " Does Mary look a little off to you?" I asked. " Yeah." My dad replied. " No way," Nate exclaimed. " Hey. Come on, open it up." My dad said, handing Nate the sheet metal cutters. " I'm not gonna do that. We're in a church, man. Come on. have some respect. " Nathan shot back.

       " Scared if a little old nun?" I teased, taking the cutters and breaking the lock with them. " Well, you haven't met Sister B, have you?" He defended. " Hold that." I demanded, shoving the sheet metal cutters at Nate. Nathan and I opened the gates and stepped inside. He turned the statue of Mary around and an image of fire replaced it. " Well, there's hell. Woah!" He exclaimed as keyholes were uncovered.
       " Holy shit. You found 'em." My dad said excitedly. " Hey what does that look like to you?" Nathan asked. " A keyhole." Chloe and I responded in unison. Nate and I both grabbed our crosses and hesitantly slid them into the keyholes. " Wait, which way should they turn, left or right?" Chloe asked. " We don't know. Uh, what does the book say?" Nate asked, looking at my dad expectantly.

       " Um... Oh, right here. Both- both of you, turn your keys clockwise at the same time." He replied. " Three, two, one." Nathan said. " Turn." We all ducked as metal spikes shot out of the altar. One of them hitting the backpack. " Shit!" My dad exclaimed loudly. " Thanks a lot. You almost got me killed." He breathed. " Clockwise, Sully?" Nathan asked angrily.
       " Well, it was 50-50, so I made a guess." He replied. " A guess? That could've been our heads!" Chloe exclaimed furiously. " Well, clearly, you should turn the keys the other way." He said as if it was no big deal. " Kid, I don't  even have my glasses. I can't read this shit." He defended. " Yeah, clearly." Nathan shot back. " Just be careful, all right? You're gonna get somebody killed. " My dad said, protecting himself with his backpack. " Okay, come on. Counterclockwise. Just look away from it." Nathan said.

       We both positioned ourselves facing away from the keyholes. " Ready? Here we go. Three, two, one. Turn." We quickly turned the keys and the altar rumbled. " Woah!" Nate and I exclaimed in unison as the altar shifted. " Look at that. I was right the second time, huh?" My dad said smugly. " Like, an opening back here." Nate stated. " You wanna help, Sully?" Nate asked as I bent down to help him push the altar. " Oh, kid, I'm watching our back. What if the nun comes down to get you?" He responded pointing towards the arch way. " Cherry?" Nathan asked. We both pushed as hard as we could, sliding the altar over to reveal a passageway.

       "There you go. All right, we're making some progress. Let's go." My dad quipped trying to head down the stairs. "No, wait." Chloe said. " Hang on, what does the book say?" Nathan thought for a moment. " Uh, heaven and hell. One of us goes up, the other goes down." He responded. " Exactly. I'll go down." She asserted. " I'll head down to." I said at the same time Nathan said, " Yeah, I'll come with you."

       " Really?" My dad asked. " What?" Nathan and I questioned. " Well that was quick." My dad continued. " What are you talking about?" Nathan asked. " What, are you just gonna follow her down there like a puppy dog?" My dad asked in disbelief. " What, you want us to come with you, hold your hand?" I asked. " I though you were too old for that dad." I continued, rolling my eyes. " You know what? It's fine. Give me your cross." He demanded. " Not giving you my cross. Why would I do that." Nathan questioned. " Cause I'm probably gonna need it up there." Sully defended. " You have your girlfriend's cross, don't you? You don't need 'em both."

       " Okay, good point. Well, give me your phone." Nate demanded. " No." my dad argued. " Sully, just give me your phone." Nathan argued back. " For what?" My dad asked. " What, you don't trust me?" Nathan shot back. " I don't trust anybody. I thought I told you that already" My dad replied, digging his phone out of his pocket and handing it to Nathan. " Thank you." Nathan said. " I thought you knew better." My dad continued before I cut him off with a glare. " Oh my god. You have so many apps open. What is wrong with you?" Nathan exclaimed.

       My dad shook his head. " Tinder? Really?" Nathan asked with a smile on his face. I looked at my dad incredulously. " I-I own that." My dad stuttered. Nate laughed silently. " Okay. Now you can track us." He stated, handing my dad his phone. " Try and stay on top of us okay?" Nathan said. " There you go." Nate handed my dad his cross. " Have fun in the haunted tunnel." My dad chimed. " Yeah." Nate responded. " Enjoy." I rolled my eyes. " Oh we will." Nathan responded, walking down the staircase.

A/n: Dang two updates in one day I have way to much time on my hands. This is kinda long sorry but I really enjoy writing it sooooooooooo ENJOY MY LOVELIES

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