Chapter 5

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       The plane took off late at night, the small lights illuminating the space around us. I grabbed a book out of my bag, turning the small reading light on. I opened it, removed my bookmark, and began to read silently. Flipping the page every few seconds, I quickly finished the book. I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked up to find Nathan staring at me in fascination. " Can you really read that fast?" He asked.
       " I can read 20,000 words per minute." I responded, pulling out another book. I looked at my watch briefly. The time read 11:48 pm. I slid my book back into my bag, turning off the light. I closed the plane window and my eyes. Minutes later I fell asleep.

Nathan's POV

       I looked over at Cherry's sleeping form, her face peaceful for the first time since we had met. She shifted slightly, a piece of her hair falling across her face. Subconsciously, I tucked it behind her ear as she continued to sleep. She shifted again, her head falling on my shoulder. I looked down in surprise, trying not to wake her up. I quickly checked the time. It was late, almost midnight.
       I gently placed my head on top of hers, closing my eyes. I thought I heard the faint click of an iPhone camera before I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Cherry's POV

       I woke up to see Nathan and my dad taking. " Wow. Captain's journal. This is amazing." He breathed. " There's some crazy shit in there, huh?" My dad responded. " Its unbelievable. I mean, it totally confirms the legend. Magellan did find tons of gold in the Philippines. They hid the gold in Barcelona and then told the Moncadas the trip was a bust." He stated. " Okay, well, you have any bright ideas on how to use the keys?" I asked. Both of them looked at me, startled.
       He nodded. " Yeah, here. The captain wrote , 'the path begins in Barcelona where the keys turn to pine.' And then there's a sketch here of a pine tree. Here." He quipped. " So we're looking for a tree." He finished. " Really?" My dad asked sarcastically. " Yeah." Nate responded. " Wow. That's your expert analysis?" He asked. " Well you just gave me the book like an hour ago. What am I supposed to do?" Nathan defended. " I mean, I got that far on my own. I've seen the picture of the tree. Where's the gold?" My dad questioned frustratedly. " Is it under the tree? Is it in the tree?"
       " I don't know. Could be." Nate replied shortly. " Look out the window Nate. There's a lot of trees in Barcelona." I chimed from my seat next to him.


       " All right, anything you need in Barcelona, Chloe Frazer can get it." My dad quipped. " I didn't tell her about you yet, but she's cool." I scoffed. " Yeah right." I turned to see Chloe walking towards us. " Hey Chlo!" My dad exclaimed. " Who the hell is this?" She questioned harshly. " I'm Nate. I'm a friend of Sully's." Nathan replied, pointing at my dad. " Sully doesn't have any friends. I should know. I'm one of them." She said with a chuckle. " Hey Cherry." She greeted, turning towards me. " Hi Chlo." I replied, giving her a hug.
       " That's not true. People love me." My dad defended. " And what's with the spy games? Why couldn't we meet at the house?" He asked. "I was making sure you weren't followed." Chloe responded simply. " Come on, you don't think I can spot a tail?" My dad asked. " Mate, I've been on you since the airport." She replied. " She was." I confirmed. " And you didn't tell me?" He questioned. " I thought you knew." I stated with a shrug. " Guess you didn't." 
       " Really? All the way from the airport?" He asked in disbelief. " Look, it doesn't matter. Why is he here?" She questioned demandingly. Nate looked at my dad. " Why am I... Why are you here?" He asked. " Clearly you didn't tell him." Chloe said, turning her gaze towards my dad. My dad looked guilty. " Chloe has the other cross." He said quickly. " What?" Nathan queried angrily. " Did I not mention that?" He asked sheepishly. "  No you didn't." Nathan and I replied in unison.
       " Are you sure? Well, look, it's mine, basically, all right?" He defended. " So we're all gonna be partners on this thing. That's the way it's happening, so get used to it." He replied shortly. " No. we're not." Chloe argued. " Look, word to the unwise... anything out of this one's mouth is an exaggeration, a half-truth, or an outright lie." She quipped, staring at Nate. " You know what? That is not true." My dad responded.
       " See ya, Sully." Chloe said, waking away. " That's... Come on Chlo." My dad pleaded. " She'll come back. She has to." He justified. Chloe turned to look back at us. " I don't  think she's coming back." My dad said. " So?" Nathan asked. " Where's the cross?" I questioned quickly. " It's in my bag." He replied. " Check your bag. Do it now." I demanded quickly. " Shit." Nathan breathed, taking his backpack off his shoulders. He quickly rifled through the bag. Nathan looked angry as he zipped up the backpack. " You let her take the cross?" My dad asked. " You let her take the cross." My dad said furiously. "Shit." Nathan said again, taking off in a sprint. " You better get that cross back!" My dad shouted after him.
       " You've got to be kidding me. What a rookie mistake." My dad quipped. I took off after Nathan, jumping the fence after Chloe. I ran alongside Nathan, almost catching up to Chloe as she weaved through the rooftops. " Woah, woah, woah!" Nathan exclaimed as my dad ran into him. I kept running, attempting to cut Chloe off.

        I jumped of the bell tower, landing on my feet, continuing to chase after her. I faintly heard Nathan exclaim, " Oh, shit." As he hit the ground, scrambling to get back on his feet. I dodged bicycle riders and pedestrians as Chloe weaved through the traffic. I followed her across the water, hearing Nate fall behind me.
       I was quickly gaining ground as she headed towards the parking lot. She made it to her car and swiftly slipped inside. Nathan appeared next to me, standing in front of the car, soaking wet. If the situation wasn't so serious, I would've laughed at his appearance.  She started the car, ramming into both of us.

       " Listen!" He exclaimed. " You don't know where you're going with them keys!" He shouted. " Look, you're looking for a tree right?" He asked, panting. " Piss off." She replied. She started driving again, pushing us back a few feet. " Listen to me. The 18 we're willing to wait years to go back for the gold. They wouldn't have picked a tree as a marker. They would of picked something more permanent." He explained.
       " You're full of shit." She replied, not believing him. " Hey." My dad said, appearing behind us. " Let her go. She knows where to use the keys, then she doesn't need us, right?" He finished. " Okay. Be my guest. Get out of here." Nathan replied. " Thank you." She said, driving a few feet before stopping.  " Bye." I chimed. I heard her sigh. " If it's not a tree, what is it?" She asked begrudgingly.

       " At the auction house, Moncada called it an 'altar crucifix'. I didn't think about it then, but it means that the cross was originally made to stand on an altar. In a church." He finished. " Which church?" The three of us asked in unison. " God, you guys never stop, do you?" Nathan asked tiredly. " Look, if we want to get the gold, we're gonna have to figure out a way to trust each other." He explained.
       " So give me the key." He demanded, holding out one of his hands. " There's no way she'll give it to him." I whispered to my dad. She hesitatingly pulled out the cross before asking, " Which church?"

A/n: YEESSSSSSS SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER. Which meansssss lots of updates!!! Lucky you! Enjoy my lovelies!!!!!!!!
~ Love author

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