007 ─ Contact

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" Anyways, I'm heading out for ice cream, wanna come? "
Hu tao asked as she opens the door, looking back at Xiao

" Mn no, I think I'll rest for a bit. "
Xiao respectfully agreed as he let out a big sigh of exhaustion

" Well, your loss! "

Hu Tao shouted as she shut the door

Xiao hopped onto the sofa to rest as he went through his phone. Suddenly, he had a sudden urge of hunger and decided to order take out.

" I want some almond tofu but I don't wanna cook right now.. I'll just get some dumplings, maybe Qiqi would like some too. "

He mumbled to himself as he scrolls down on his phone

Xiao went to take a short nap to pass the time, he was sleeping soundly until the door bell rang. It startled him and he immediately woke up " That must be the food. " He thought.
Xiao ran to the door and pulled it open to see someone rather familiar, dark hair with turquoise tips and braids, emerald eyes and a soft baby face.

" Venti? "

" Xiao?! "

They both glanced at each other, realising the big coincidence

" Hehe! What were the odds? "
Venti giggled while holding onto Xiao's shoulder

" Venti, they gave you my location, you knew I was here.. "
Xiao said, calling Venti out

" Hey!! Are you accusing me of stalking? "
Venti shouted with a pout

" No, but- it's whatever. Would you like to come in? "
Xiao invited Venti as he moved aside to show his apartment room

" I'd love to! "

Venti took off his shoes to step into the apartment, as he walked in he looked around in awe " Neat! " He thought. Venti sat down on the floor beside a table and a sofa while Xiao prepares the dumplings.

" Qiqi, if you're hungry, there's some dumplings in the kitchen! "
Xiao shouted out as he walked over to Venti, carrying a bowl of dumplings

" This looks absolutely amazing!! Ah- wait, can I eat this too? "
Venti squealed in excitement as he looked at the dumplings

" Of course, I'll give you chopsticks. " Xiao responded, giving Venti a pair of chopsticks

" Thanks! "

They both eat the dumplings happily while having small talks, minutes passed and Venti had already forgotten about his shift until suddenly. His phone rang and startled both Venti and Xiao.

" Fuck! I forgot about my shift! "
Venti yelled as he picked up his phone

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to come inside. "
Xiao apologised as he put his head down in shame

" No, Xiao!! I had a great time, really. But I need to get back, goodbye!! "
Venti shouted while shutting the door on Xiao

" Alright.. "

" Good grief, could a man have a pleasant time for once.. "

Xiao sighed in exhaustion and proceeded to putting the dishes in the sink.

As the next day proceeded, Xiao was running late for school and had to run as fast as he can while it was raining.

As Xiao dashes on through the rain, he couldn't see what was coming ahead of him due to the rain blurring his vision. He bumped into someone and their umbrella fell, they started screaming.

The person paused as they turned to look at Xiao

" Oh hey Xiao! What are you doing in the rain without an umbrella?! "
Venti shouted as he quickly picks up the umbrella from the ground

" I-I was in a rush.. "
Xiao responded as he stammered

" Wanna walk together? "
Venti asked as he offered his umbrella

" Sure, I don't see why not. "

Venti's playful face made Xiao's lips curve into a smile.
They both seemed to enjoy each other's company as they walked down the sidewalk together and tell short stories.

As they walk the umbrella suddenly broke and they started to get soaked.

Venti yelled out as he grabbed the umbrella from Xiao's hand

" Venti, you're getting soaked wet! "
Xiao yelled back while taking off his jacket and putting it over Venti


" Venti, come on! We'll make a run for it, we're not too far! "

Xiao said as he covered himself with the other half of the jacket

The duo then finally arrived at the campus and as they walked in being soaked wet, someone took notice and ran towards them.

" Venti, Xiao! What the hell happened?! Did you both not bring umbrellas? Plus, you're an hour late! "
Hu Tao shouted as she grabs a handkerchief from her pocket

" Hu Tao, that does nothing! "
Xiao yelled angrily as he ran to the locker room to get a towel

" I swear to Rex Lapis─ God! This dumbass!! "
Hu Tao says in frustration as she palms her face

" Hu Tao─ "

" Oh my archons! I'm so sorry Venti, here let me at least TRY to help you. "
Hu Tao responded in a mocking tone

" Hehe, thanks Hu Tao. "
Venti giggles of the situation while drying his face with the given handkerchief

" Venti, Venti! Are you okay? I'm sorry we had to run in the rain like that. "
Xiao's voice joined in as he runs closer to Venti and helps him dry off by rubbing the towel on his head

" Xiao─ I'm fine, really!! "
Venti responded while trying to hold in his laugh

" Aiya, I hope you both are ready for punishment cause you both came AN HOUR LATE! What were you two even doing? "
Hu Tao spoke up, crossing her arms

" Walking, small talks and distractions, that's really it. "
Xiao responded to Hu Tao's question as he finishes drying Venti's hair

" Well, next period's up so I'll see you both in class! "
Hu Tao shouts while dashing away into the hallways

Stuck With You | XiaoVen College AUWhere stories live. Discover now