004 ─ Persistent

143 6 4

It was a Sunday morning, surprisinly in this case, Xiao was the first one to wake up while Zhongli and Hu Tao were still asleep. Xiao rubbed his eyes as he got up from his position and stretched, he went on his phone to look at the time and his eyes widened when he saw the date.
" It's Sunday already? " Xiao thought. He went to look for food to eat but nothing was really left so he went out to the convenience store to get some instant noodles.

There, Xiao saw the stranger, again. " Why do I keep seeing him? It's like I'm somehow stuck with him. " Xiao thought. He ignored it and continued on to pay for his noodles.

Xiao stepped out of the convenience store and went home, once he arrived he saw Zhongli, Hu Tao and Qiqi playing family board games.

" What the hell are you all doing? "
He questioned while approaching the them

" Playing some board games! You should join in Xiao! "
Hu Tao said as she looks at Xiao with a playful smile

" I'll pass, for now. I'm hungry so I'm making noodles. "
Xiao answered, walking over to the kitchen to cook his noodles

" Wait- I WANT SOME TOO!! "

Hu Tao shouted while charging up to Xiao

Hu Tao ended up tripping over right behind Xiao, Zhongli laughed while looking at her position. She was holding onto Xiao's ankles while laying down on her stomach, Hu Tao felt quite humiliated but she eventually laughed it out as well

" Be careful Hu Tao! "
Zhongli said, stammering and laughing

" Shut up! "

" Get off of my feet Hu Tao! "
Xiao shouted while walking around

" No!! You're so mean! "
Hu Tao yelled while being dragged because of her holding onto Xiao's ankles

" Oh my archons, Hu Tao. "
Xiao sighed, looking at Hu Tao behind him

" Pshh. "

" Alright, alright, that's enough. We need to prepare to go to the amusement park, it's already noon! "

Zhongli spoke up as he pulls Hu Tao by her legs gently away from Xiao

They all ran into their own rooms to get ready.
Xiao opened his closet to see what he could wear, he decided to wear a black shirt and green jacket. He went to his desk to pick up his laptop but he hesitated and realised that " Today shall be a day without work, I'm sure of myself this wouldn't hurt. " He continued to walk out of his bedroom and sees everyone well prepared.

" We'll be taking the car, the park itself is quite far so we should be taking a different transportation if we wanna arrive on time. "
Zhongli said as he starts the car

" Is Mister Childe gonna unexpectedly come too? "
Hu Tao jumped out of her seat to face Zhongli

" Not this time, unfortunately. "
Zhongli answers as he chuckles softly

" Well, I wouldn't be so surprised if Zhongli took Childe for a ride 'home' but 'unexpectedly' asked to come with us to the amusement park. "
Xiao spoke up while getting closer to face Zhongli beside him

" Okay, that's enough. "

Zhongli responded while slightly sweating and Hu Tao giggling

Eventually, they arrived at the amusement park. Once they entered, it was like a park full of excitement and happiness.

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