001 ─ Stressful

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Xiao walks out of his room seeing Zhongli help Qiqi with her homework, Zhongli then notices Xiao and approaches him.

" Hey Xiao, I'd like to ask you a question. " Zhongli says as he takes out a map out of his pocket

" Okay. "

" There's been a new amusement park that has opened recently, I was thinking that we should head there together along with Qiqi. " Zhongli says as he looks at Qiqi

" I'm too busy with work, maybe another time. " Xiao responded with a sigh

" Come on Xiao, it's time you enjoy yourself once in a while. I'll make sure you enjoy the journey! "

Zhongli tried to convince Xiao as he doesn't want Xiao to overwork himself during the weekend and wants to make sure he has fun in the meantime.

" I-I'll think about it. " Xiao responded while walking back into his room and shutting the door.

" What a good child. " Zhongli says as he chuckles like a father

Since Xiao has been living with Zhongli for a while, he eventually became more of a father figure to Xiao.
Xiao cares for Zhongli as much as Zhongli cares for him but he just doesn't show it so often and Zhongli doesn't mind cause he knows that's just how Xiao is

As the boy writes with a pencil for countless minutes, he receives a call from a good old friend.

" Yahoo! Watchu doin there Xiao? " A cheerful voice joins in and startles Xiao from his writing session

" I'm just doing homework. Zhongli said to be home by 5 for dinner by the way.. " Xiao says while being slightly irritated

" Aiya, of course, anyways-! Have you heard of the new amusement park that recently opened? I was thinking that we should go together along with Zhongli! "

Xiao hesitated as Zhongli asked the same thing, he finally answers with a " I have homework to finish, I can't be seen at a place so cheery. "
Hu Tao always got annoyed at his 'lame' responses, she always sees Xiao working so hard and sometimes feels bad so she thought it was a good idea to invite him to a place full of excitement but Xiao decided to decline the offer instead

" Come on Xiao!! It wouldn't hurt to just go there for a few.. Hmm.. Hours! "

That slightly made Xiao more irritated and placed his palm over his face. He didn't know how to let Hu Tao go so he went for the same response he gave Zhongli

" I'll think about it okay? "

" Yay!! I'll start planning! " Hu Tao jumps in excitement finally hearing Xiao accept an invite

A few hours passed by, Zhongli enters Xiao's room and sees his head on his books using it like a pillow " Must've been tired and wanted to get comfortable, I'll help him out. " Zhongli thought to himself. He gave in a soft smile while taking a blanket and covering Xiao with it, he decided to peep in a picture to remember it as a sweet moment.

A few more hours has passed and Xiao has woken up. At first, he was shocked that he let himself just sleep like that during his homework session but then realised the blanket he had over him.

" Must've been Zhongli's doing.. "

He says as he sees Zhongli from his door crack

Zhongli noticed Xiao's gaze and decided to approach him, before saying anything, he looked at Xiao with a slight genuine smile on his soft face.

" How about we go to the amusement park this Sunday? Hu Tao and Qiqi has already agreed to it. "

Zhongli informs Xiao to make sure Xiao is okay with it

" But it's the day before school, I don't think I can just slack off like that.. "

Xiao reminds with a slight frown on his face, he surely didn't wanna leave his work undone the day before school

" It's okay Xiao, you can do the rest of your work today or during school. There's no pressure holding you back, I'm just making sure you'll enjoy yourself once in a while. "

Xiao gave in a smile after Zhongli saying that in a genuine tone. Xiao felt the care Zhongli had for him and he didn't want to disappoint him so he just accepted it and took Zhongli's advice

Zhongli left the room to continue preparing dinner for everyone in the household, Xiao cleaned up his desk and put his books and homework in his backpack until then.
Xiao came out of his room and sat on the couch while looking at his phone waiting for Zhongli to finish preparing dinner

A girl then walked in and came rushing into her room

" Welcome home Hu- "

Zhongli was cut off by Qiqi holding onto him

" What is Zhongli cooking for.. Today? " Qiqi asks in a monotone voice

" A few of Liyue's specialties. An old friend of mine sent me some Inazuman dango milk too, you can have a sip, it's in the fridge. "

Qiqi goes over to the fridge to find the dango milk, meanwhile, Hu Tao walked out of her bedroom looking frustrated and stressed

" What the hell happened to you? "
Xiao questioned as he noticed the younger girl's state

" Xingqiu and I had another rap battle and oh my, he was so fired up!! I'm so tired from keeping up with him.. "
Hu Tao responds as she breathes heavily

" Mm. "

Eventually, Zhongli has finished preparing dinner for everyone and they all rushed to the dining table.
Hu Tao, whom was sitting next to Xiao accidentally got some sauce on his face, she laughed it out but Xiao didn't look too happy


" It was an accident I swear!! "
The girl says as she laughs uncontrollably

Zhongli laughing along the situation and even Xiao found it humorous

It was a fun family dinner and everyone enjoyed their meal. They all went back to their bedrooms and was doing their thing until they all eventually went to rest

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