I Can Put You Back Together.

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After signing the documents, the doctor told Inko that they would prepare everything and expect a call within 10 days. She only nodded slowly and said goodbye. The doctor then asked for assistance to move the body. As they walked down the hallway, the nurse asked the doctor, "Did you know the boy, doctor?"

I have met many patients, but I never forgot about people like him. You should have seen him when he was younger. He had the biggest smile I've ever seen. It was unfortunate when I had to break the news to him," the doctor replied, his voice tinged with regret.

"I can't even imagine what hardships he faced. Such a shame to die so young," the nurse said, shaking her head.
After the nurse finished her tasks, she asked the doctor if he needed any help with the paperwork.

"Thank you, but you've done enough for today. I can handle the paperwork on my own. I'll probably be finished by the end of my shift," the doctor replied, his tone professional.

"Well, okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Oh, and I think the boy's things are over there," the nurse said, pointing to a burned bag on a nearby table. "The officers asked when it would be ready to be taken to the police station."

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll have it ready within two days after collecting some samples. Have a good day," the doctor said as the nurse left the room, waving goodbye.

As the nurse left the room, the doctor's demeanor seemed to shift. His kind and compassionate facade slipped away, replaced by a cold and calculating expression. The doctor grabs a clipboard and started filling out the paperwork as he walk up to the body. He looks at the boy remembering the day he shattered his dreams.

"It's quite a shame. Would been interesting if you had a quirk combination. Could have been a decent pyrokinesis quirk. But that is life, it doesn't always give you a silver plater."

Then He walked over to the table where Izuku's belongings lay and picked up a fresh pair of plastic gloves. He picked up the burned bag, rummaging through it until he found a notebook. It was hard to read at first but figured out what it written.

"Future Hero Guide, Vol. 13"

He was curious about what the boy had written down in his notes and decided to read a few notes.

As the doctor read through Izuku's notebook, he could feel his curiosity growing with each page. The sound of the pages turning was crisp and clear, and he could hear the rustling of the paper under his gloves.

"Fascinating," he muttered to himself.

The words on the page were small and precise, and the doctor could feel his eyes straining to read them. But as he read through the notes and observations, his eyes widened with amazement. The ideas and theories Izuku had written down were complex and detailed, showing a deep understanding of heroism and quirk usage.

After the doctor finished his reading, he look back at the body.

"It's a shame he shunned for his quirkless, he could have gone far in the hero industry."

Then the doctor's slowly form a sinister grin as idea was form. He had a new project in mind, one that would require a subject with keen intellect and strong determination. And as he looked at Izuku's lifeless body, he knew he had found the perfect candidate.

"I'll have to make some arrangements, but don't worry young man. I can put you back together" as the doctor laugh to himself quietly.


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