Chapter 2: Hit The Fan

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Just a head's up there is going to be a bit of swearing in this


Nicola and I had laughed ourselves onto a heap on the sofa doing impressions of Mom, and then fallen asleep watching one of the late night comedy shows. I woke up and slowly realised we were sat in the darkness. The television had turned its self off after not being active for so long. I adjusted Nicola's head so it wouldn't cramp and then covered her in a blanket. I had no idea what time it was but I was guessing it was night time but the lack of sunlight.
I went up to my bedroom and turned on the light. I remembered I'd left my phone to charge on my nightstand. I picked it up and I'd had a text from my boyfriend. We had been going out for just over a year. Notice the "had". I loved him and he loved me, or so he said.
I was replied to Harry's text, saying we should make plans for the next few months whilst I was home from college, we could even go away for a few days, seeing as we couldn't go camping, as Nicola was more than capable of looking after herself. I also messaged Sarah apologising again and suggested the idea to her about a mini get away but for not as long as the originally planned camping trip. I put on my headphones because my friend had sent me a link to a video, I lay down on my bed on my stomach. And about 20 minutes later I was watching music videos, and thinking about what I'd need to do to get my body looking like one of those backing dancers. After about five songs, my favourite song, the type of song that never get old came on I turned it up, full blast. I just lay there singing along very badly and very loudly into my pillow and shaking my hips in time with the beat.

Something heavy bounced on and off my back, I started to sit up.

'Hey! What do you want, Nic?' I said irritated, pausing my music and turning towards the door. And there was Nicola. I thought she was laughing at first but then I saw the smudged mascara and the tears, oh, and the gun pressed against her temple. She wasn't laughing she was hysterically crying. The pressure of the gun, making her lean her head to one side. My eyes travelled from the gun past the black gloved hand and up the arm encased in a plain black jacket. And straight into the eyes of the balaclava wearing man.

'Phone.' was all he said. I could tell nothing by his voice. If he was angry, calm, stressed, relaxed. I pulled my headphones wire out of my phone and threw my phone at him he caught it with ease. He switched it off and then placed it in his jacket pocket making sure the zip was closed. Then he moved his hand back to a tight grip on my sister's shoulder.

I sat there on my bed stunned, still wearing my headphones like a moron.

That's when my anger, that I had somehow suppressed for most of my life, suddenly emerged.
'What do you want.' I spat out at him.

'Just sit there.' he replied. He sounded impatient and he was just standing there looking between me, my sister and the posters of bands on my walls. He looked like he was fidgeting. That's when it occurred to me he was waiting for something. Someone.

And he might be waiting for them, but I certainly wouldn't be.

'Let my sister go.' I said in as calm a voice as I could manage in this situation.

'Shut up.' He said in an equally calm voice back to me.

Unexpectedly, even to me, I ripped off my headphones and threw them at the wall they smashed into piece. And I stood on my bed.

'I said let my sister go!' I screamed.

'And I said shut up!' his voice was equally as loud but much more powerful.

Nicola started to whimper and cry even more. I looked into her teary eyes, and my heart broke. I had to get her out of this situation.

He turned slightly, slowly moving the gun until it was pointing at me. I tensed slightly holding my space standing on the bed.
I heard steps coming toward my room and I froze and clenched my fists. Then another man with a balaclava covering his face walked in. He paused and looked between me and the gun and started chuckling.


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