Kevin X Reader | Coffee

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I hate this but I wanted to post something, I hope you enjoy it anyways!

It was almost like your part time job at the manor to be everyone's barista. Even though your job title didn't necessarily align with being a barista, you found a natural talent for it anyways. You know everyone's request down to the nitty gritty, and always wake up early to deliver the freshest beverages to brighten everyone's day. It was safe to say you were beloved upon the manor. Members such as Demi and Emily would always help with morning meals so you got rather close to those two.

While you were bringing some lattes you made to a few survivors you covered your mouth to yawn. It was early in the morning so you weren't quite awake yet... but then, walking down the halls, you trip over your feet. In slow motion, you feel the tray of drinks fly out of your hands, and prepare to embrace yourself for impact.... but you never hit the ground. Instead, you found yourself caught in between the arms of the cowboy survivor, Kevin. He gives you a look of concern and you look up at him with a blush, he was even more handsome up close.

"You alright there partner?" He tips his hat down at you. You turn your gaze to the lattes which were now splattered upon the floor, your look of dismay answered his question without needing to speak. He follows your gaze to the spill and purses his lips together. "Well, that's no good, I'll help you clean it up. Okay dear?" He lifts you up to place you in front of him and dusts you off, giving you an awkward pat on the head.

You smile at his attempt to comfort you, and you felt your pleasant behavior come back. "Yes, of course! Thank you so much Mr. Asuyo!" You said with a slight stutter at first. He had a reputation for being a flirt amongst the members at the manor, therefore you couldn't help but feel he was being disingenuous. He shakes his head and puts a hand out.

"Please, just call me Kevin, Y/n" He states casually, as he nods for you to follow him to the kitchen where the cleaning materials are. You questioned how he remembered your name, you guys have only talked less times than you can count on your finger!

You decide to bring it up, "Mr. Asuy- I mean Kevin, how do you remember my name?" You inquire, walking a little faster to keep up with his long strides. He only chuckles and puts his arm around your shoulder.

"My dearest Y/n, how could I forget the name of my favorite barista! Your drinks give me the fuel to get through each day." He grins. He places his arm off of your shoulder and to the back of his head instead, glancing away. "That and... Demi's told me a lot about you." He says quietly. You blush, why would Demi be talking about me to a man I barely know? Although... you have mentioned to her that you thought he was cute before. Ugh, how could you be so stupid to open up about your potential crush to someone thats his friend!

You both made your way to the kitchen, a comfortable silence stood between the two of you as you exited the premises.


You finally reach the kitchen, he heads his way to the supply cabinet and you follow his lead. Once there, he shuts the door behind you, and grabs a mop and bucket. You head towards the brooms, trying to determine which one would most effectively clean the broken porcelain.

"You know dear," Kevin whispers close to you as you jump in shock. "We should hang out a lot more like this... I kind of like it" He says in flirtatious manner.

You dramatically turn to face him and gasp, obviously taken by surprise. 'What does he mean by that!? Why would he want to hang out with me alone?! He really must be using me...'

You push him away and slightly shout, "I know your dirty tricks! You flirt with all of the other members of the manor and change targets once you get bored. Well, I'm not going to be another one of your victims!" You finish saying as you cross your arms.

He looks hurt, although understands where you're coming from, and decides its time he tells you the truth.

He walks towards you slyly, making you back up into the wall. You stare at him in an attempt to look brave, but he could tell it was only bravado. He puts one arm against your head, pinning your position. "You know, I like my lovers like I like my coffee."  He moves his mouth to your ear and mutters. "Warm, sweet, and an acquired taste". He nibbles on your ear before he moves to face you again. "Truth is, I have a thing for you dear, and whether you like me or not is your choice to make. I have had my eyes on you my whole career at this manor, ask Demi and she can confirm. Just give me a sign you like me back, and I'm all yours." He places his hand under your chin, inviting you to make the first move.

Your knees grew weak. Unable to muster the strength to use your words, you use your body instead, and go in for the kiss. It was soft yet passionate, Kevin took note of how much your lips tasted like coffee, it was delicious. You both parted for air, and the cowboy in front of you smirked at the prominent blush on your face. "Thats what I thought." He says, backing away and tipping his hat towards you.

He gets on one knee and extends his arm for you to take, in which you oblige. "Y/N, there is truly no one like you in this manor. You make everyones day with not only your coffees, but with your smiles, personality, etc. Hell, I never even thought you would like me back! I promise you will always be the only person in the manor that I have my sights on, and I vow to protect you every chance I get. Now...." He grabs the bucket of cleaning supplies next to him and turns back to you with a smirk. "Shall we? We still have quite the mess to clean up." You take his hands and pick up your broom you left on the table, as you both make your way to clean the coffee spill. And from this day forward, your relationship with him flourished into something beautiful, and you couldn't be happier.

(Little did you both know, that wasn't the only mess you guys would be cleaning that night....)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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