Orpheus X Reader | Nightmare

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Orpheus Deross, renowned writer and storyteller, was sitting at his desk late at night finishing a novel when he heard a knock on his door. Standing up and straightening himself up, he got up to answer the door. (y/n), a young familiar person, shorter than him, was standing outside, eyes red and tear-stained. "...I had a nightmare," they mumbled and looked away, too distraught to continue.
Without hesitation, Orpheus invited her inside and offered her a seat on the couch. He could see the fear in their eyes and hear their quiet sniffles, and knew that he had to do something to help them. Honestly, he had quite the infatuation with the young lad in his room, but helping them was more important right now. He thought for a moment and then remembered the bedtime stories that his mother used to tell him when he was a child.
"Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?" Orpheus asked warmly. They nodded, wiping away the tears streaming down their cheek, and he went to his bookshelf to find the perfect story. He selected a beautifully illustrated book with a story about a brave young hero who faced his fears and saved his village.
Orpheus grabbed a blanket and glanced back at (y/n), "I'll be right back", he said as he wrapped the smaller figure tightly with his blanket. The smell brought them comfort, it smelled of books and mahogany. When Orpheus came back, he was holding a tray with two quaint teacups and a few biscuits. He placed the tray on the table next to the couch, and sat down next to the guest. He picked up a cup of tea and handed it to (y/n), "It's sleepytime tea, it'll help you relax." (y/n) took it, mumbling a small 'thank you'.
As he began to read, his deep and soothing voice filled the room, and they started to relax. She snuggled closer to Orpheus and listened intently as he wove the tale of the young hero's journey.
As the story progressed, (y/n)'s tears dried, and their breathing became slow and even. Orpheus continued to read until the hero had successfully saved his village and returned home a hero.
When the story was over, Orpheus closed the book and looked warmly at (y/n). They were fast asleep, a peaceful expression on their face. He smiled, and gently lifted them and placed them on his bed, making sure the covers were wrapped snugly around them.
Orpheus gave them a kiss on the forehead and mumbled, "sweet dreams" Since he had no plan on returning back to bed, he walked back to his desk. Happy he gave up his bed, he came to the realization that he may fall asleep at his desk. But this is no worry, as it is quite the common occurrence whenever he spends his night writing. He smiled to himself and got back to work. Maybe he will write a book inspired by (y/n) next time...

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