Chapter 33 - Realization, Reminiscing

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dont expect me to completely start updating more though- sorry-

im going to hawaii next week so theres that :D

omg what do you guys think of the new archon quest?? (NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS!)

and thank you guys so much for 80k- holy shit-

enjoy this long-awaited chapter! i worked hard on it!

official outfit is above ^ (number 2, add wrist-length black gloves. blue-ish accents are either grey or black)




You reappeared just below the stairs in front of Mt. Tianheng, fidgeting with your gloves. You started walking, glancing around.

You didn't even realize that it had been a month already. It really felt like yesterday that you were talking with Lunaria for the first time.

2 days, 1 night left. 36 hours. 2160 minutes. 129,600 seconds. And maybe a billion thoughts that will rush through your mind.

During your time, you made friends. Met old friends that knew you as only 'Lunaria,' not y/n.

But there were other people, back on Earth.

You laughed hard, bending over at the waist. Niko had an irk mark on his forehead, and he looked pretty pissed at the fallen ice cream that was already melting on the concrete.

"Oh shut up," he snapped at you, but you could tell that he was trying hard not to laugh as well.

Footsteps to our left, and you glanced up to see Nicki running over. She held another ice cream cone, and Niko immediately lit up.

Nicki grinned, handing it over to Niko, then high-fiving you.

You stopped in front of the Geo Statue of the Eight, peering up at Zhongli's face. His stone eyes for fixed on the cube. You had to give compliments to the sculptor - the details were well cut.

Your gaze shifted to the left, where - resting on the statue's arm - was a small black feline. It tilted its small head, meowing softly, then carefully leapt down from the arm. You knelt down, summoning a piece of fish from your inventory, and holding it out in your palm as an invitation. The cat slowly approached, sniffing the food, then took it from your hand and lowered its head, biting into it.

You ran your hand over its head, feeling the soft fur and making you think of silky smooth cloth or hair. You brushed a finger underneath its chin, and it looked up. A pair of beautiful golden eyes shown in the sun, reminding you of a Yaksha who had been broken by one of 'your' past selves. Did you really deserve to be his friend?

The golden eyes were also familiar, if they were slightly darker. And if the color was a liquid you knew far too well.

(TW: abuse/violence, drunk state, mention of blood, mention of drugs. If you are uncomfortable with this kind of stuff, feel free to scroll down a bit)

(Age: 12) (in case ur wondering, present day on earth theyre 18)
"Worthless brat!" Your father yelled, kicking you once again. You flinched, curling up tighter. Tears fell in a river down your face.

"I can't believe that your mother gave birth to such an ugly thing." He scoffed, taking another swig of- well, whatever he was drinking. Couldn't even tell nowadays. "With how much time you spend out of the house, I would guess that you're doing drugs or some shit. Jesus Christ, you are SUCH a failure."

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