You made me this way

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Vanilla, double vanilla, can you guess what the last one is? Addison asked Zed and Jason when we sat down for the ice cream as she read off the flavors off the sign in frustration and sarcasm.

Let me guess Zed started. Vanilla? Jason teased before reaching across the table to grab my hand. I know what you mean Addy I wish we had awesome flavors, something new something different.

You're different. Jason smiled giving my hand a little squeeze. Yeah but no one knows that minus the theatre stuff. You guys are the only ones that know the truth.

You've guys got a wide variety of vanilla. Zed reminded us. Yeah we know, this is so Seabrook. You know what? Jason asks. Vanilla works Zed cut him off. Do you guys do that a lot? I asked.

Yeah, I mean Jason is an only child and he's always over at our house he's basically my brother. Minus the whole you know no need for Z-band or jacket. Ha, I exclaim I'm the opposite.

Hypothetically if something should happen to that thing I'd go all zombie like the rest of you guys. But you know that could only happen if say like the software got corrupted. But that could never happen. Right? I shrug.

Zed looked guilty and only Jason and I knew it. Only if I was mostly teasing. I was as I've been saying just enough human to be on the human side but just zombie enough to need said items and vice versa with Jason.

After all we've always wanted to come here. Zed says. And this is great here we are on a proper date. Jason says gesturing around the room.

Is it great? Addison asks them. Well why not? Jason asks us. I mean looks at us we're together. Zed cuts him off. I mean yeah but at what cost? I ask them. You guys have to pretend to be something your not. Addison reminds them.

Addison and I were very disappointed in this fact. Since we know what that is like. After all Addy and I know the same feeling. I mean we know how it feels we have to wear a wig all the time.

I did it for Addison. I lean over and take her hand next to me. My hair was normal I dyed it to be different but now I wear a wig. While Addison wants to be able to stand out you guys are trying to blend in. And it should be the other way around.

Farrah's right Addison agreed. You have to be someone you're not both here and on the football field. Look if you guys can wear wigs to hide your real hair how come I can't do the same with my Z-band?

Zed asked. After all Farrah fixed Jason right up and he looks human and now so do I. Ok, but despite that we shouldn't be the ones that need to change that should be everyone else. Addison "scolded" and complained.

Listen Addison everything's going to be ok we're going to make this work he told her. I'll just dial myself back to my zombie self and win the game and everything will be fine.

But the cheerleaders still had Eliza's laptop and our team was down by 5 but now it was time to put Zed in and they were going to win but unfortunately part one had been undertow.

Zed's watch wasn't working so he was himself. And Eliza was worried that the software was corrupted. What software is corrupted? Zed what did you do? She asked him even though he couldn't hear her but offed a sad guilty smile.

Luckily we still won but after Eliza had her laptop back but it was too late Bonzo, Eliza, Zed, and I were all in our monster forms. Bonzo and Eliza after the other cheerleaders.

Zed went after Bucky while Jason held me in his arms to keep me from going after my cousin like Zed. Addison chased after him and the cops went after Zed and my friends.

When Zed got taken away the rest of the zombies got put in handcuffs. And the car was there to take them back. When Addison tried to stick up for us Eliza cried that zombies don't have human friends.

Because Addison and Bree had cheered for the zombies Bucky had kicked them off the squad. And now that they saw us for how we really were my parents got disappointed looks from the audience and they were booing all the other zombies.

Hey?! You made him this way, he was your monster! Addison reminded the humans. Yelled at them about how they had no problem using his monster powers to win the stupid football games.

And Addison decided she was taking a stand and was putting her foot down. And so was I. That if the zombies and Jason were being sent back that I should go too. 

 and when Addison reveled her real hair I took my wig off. When everyone saw us for who we were....

Stop it! I'm part of the missing link I started. I'm PART zombie. You just watched me zom out. If you send them away you have to send me away too. I went to Gus and he was hesitant as he put the handcuffs on me too.

I got into the van went back with them no one had tried to stop me. Had it been my sister our parents would've held her back but because I was part them and part zombie no one cared.

Now that we were back to the zombie side they weren't allowed to mess with the Z-bands anymore. Farrah that was very brave what you did. Yeah and I guess when I said we didn't have human friends I didn't mean not you.

Eliza corrected. Because half or whole you're one of us. You stood up for us and volunteered to go with us got yourself arrested to come with us. Hey I zomed out too. Jason was the only one that wasn't affected.

At least we get Wi-Fi now Zed exclaimed. But it was too soon for jokes or for looking on the bright side. Cheerleaders stole my computer and zombies take the blame.

I'm sorry but I'm done doing things the nice way, we're going to have a zombie uprising and demand equality or we tear the whole thing down. We've tried things your way but its time to do things my way now. Eliza told Zed. And I was going to stand by her.

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