Chapter 2 : The activity

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She arrived in a room, the tall blond behind her. The wall was covered in black tiles. There was a window, where other men were observing the children. They all lined up in the back of the room and she followed, at the end of the line. She looked to be the eldest there for sure, she was taller and more mature than the rest of them. In the middle, there was a chair, with a table. On top of the table, was a circle, kind of like a vanity mirror except there was no mirror, just the lights.

"Number Two, would you please demonstrate today's exercise?" The man said.

"Yes, Papa." He said with a smile and sat down in front of the table. The tall blond made his way in front of the child and placed a sort of hat made up of wires over his head. The child because to shake and the lights from the circle all lit up. Now, that was even more confusing. She frowned. Is that the electricity having a short-circuit or was he the one opening the light bulbs? The lights were all opening in a circular pattern. The child was visibly struggling. She looked a the blond, who was already looking at her. She looked away immediately. She wasn't expecting that and felt a bit embarrassed.

"Stop." the man said. The child stopped immediately.

"Very good Two. Very good." The man gave him a small piece of candy and walked to be in front of the line.

"Now, which brave soul would like to follow that?" He asked with a smile and raised his hand, holding a candy. The children started clamoring :

"Me. Me. Me. Me." She looked down. The girl that was standing next to her was the only one that was silent.

"Eleven?" He said. All the children turned around to look at her. They all looked envious and resentful. Eleven continued looking down and walked towards the chair. She sat down, and the blond placed the wired helmet onto her hair. She saw him say a few things to Eleven and then he walked away. The girl lowered her head, but none of the lights opened. Then, the children started laughing. She frowned, why were they laughing at her? "Papa" lowered himself to her level and told her a few things. Eleven tried again, and one light opened.

"Good! Now, make it move." "Papa" encouraged. She could feel a small smile creep on her lips. Prove them wrong Eleven, you can do it. It moved a few spaces away, but then it stopped.

"Good work Eleven. Now, Twenty perhaps?" He said. The children all looked at her, and she felt uncomfortable. She didn't reply. Eleven went back to her place in line and looked at her. Twenty gave her a small smile and continued walking towards the chair. She sat down. The blond lowered himself to her level and placed the helmet on top of her hair.

"I don't want to damage those beautiful locks of yours. Find a source of energy and focus on it. It'll be alright." He said with a smile and stood up. He walked back to his initial position, and she was left alone in the seat, with all the children looking at her. She had no idea what that meant. She looked at the man "Papa" with confusion. And then, the lights started going off. She wasn't trying to make them lit up, it just happened naturally. She looked at the blond, who seemed further interested in her. Those bright blue eyes. So charming. After a few minutes, "Papa" applauded.

"Wonderful Twenty, Wonderful." He said while handing over a candy. She took it and slowly removed her helmet and placed it on the table. She stood up and walked over to place herself back in line.

"That is all for today, you are all free to do whatever you want," Papa said before leaving the room. This was too strange. Few children walked back to the Rainbow room, others went back to their bedrooms. Each door had a number on them, categorizing which bedroom belonged to which. She decided to walk to the playroom, where the younger kids were. She walked over to the blond.

Peter Ballard  / 001 / X Reader 020Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora